Miquel Villa is currently completing his studies at the School of Art Design Pau Gargallo , in Badalona , Catalonia. He plans to pursue his Journey onto university, but the European economic crisis discourages firms to invest in design and branding . Opportunities are limited and this is why Miquel Villa plans to move abroad to increase his chances . Baron fell for a series of projects designed by the typography student.
Baron : What is your graphic design school like?
Miquel Villa: It provides basic knowledge on various platforms, ranging from screen printing and logo design . The institution focuses more on practice than theory. The facilities are rather limited, but the young teachers do their best to compensate.
B. : Where does your interest in typography come from?
M. V. : I think it is the ability to express feelings and ideas through the form of letters. This is what I’m trying to achieve. Even if I’ve been doing graffiti art for about six years now, it has rarely been more than sketches of letters. I now, have started learning and redirecting my interest to graffiti lettering and typograph , this is the aspect of graphic design with which I am most comfortable with. At first, I especially wanted to do great things with letters full of color, but with time, I tryto express feelings through my work. I would also like to raise awareness on the importance of lettering and typography .
B. : What would be your best advice for typography designers ?
M. V. : In the best case , do not make sketches your concept on a computer. I usually do the same sketch by hand at least four times before scanning it. Twenty minutes passed in correcting defects in the design can avoid lots of computer time . Also, follow the great artists of lettering (Tyrsa, Alex Trochut , etc. . ) and get inspired by their know-how’ and experience.
B. : What places in Barcelona, would you suggest to someone who loves design? Why ?
M. V. : DHUB , Design Hub Barcelona. If you like design, this is the place for you! You’ll find everything you want. They also offer many high quality workshops, but most are unknown to the general public, as Granja Gráfica or 57 Serigrafia . Do not miss the Modernist Style Architecture and the Museu Picasso and the MNAC .