BC Craft Beer Month 2016 x BARON
33 ACRES OF LIFE : Colour: Reddish amber // Alcohol: 4.8% by volume // Aroma: Faint fruit, toasted malt, caramel // Flavour: Sharp carbonation bite; pronounced hop character; light caramel aftertaste. // Relatively clean finish. (image: beermebc.com)
33 ACRES OF OCEAN : Colour: Light amber // Alcohol: 5.6% by volume // Aroma: Fruit, floral hop aroma, predominantly citrus and a little pine // Flavour: Light caramel, strong hop flavour.
33 ACRES OF SUNSHINE : Colour: Hazy blonde // Alcohol: 5.0% by volume //Aroma: Fruity; orange peel; coriander; black liquorice // Flavour: Fruity; orange peel; coriander; black liquorice; sweet aftertaste
33 ACRES OF NIRVANA : .Colour: Hazy golden orange // Alcohol: 7.0% by volume // Aroma: Pine, candied orange // Flavour: Grapefruit and “woody” bitterness, warming finish
33 ACRES OF DARKNESS : Colour: Black // Alcohol: 5.0% by volume // Aroma: Roasted malt, caramelized sugars // Flavour: Slight coffee, dark chocolate, clean and crisp finish.
33 ACRES OF EUPHORIA : Colour: Hazy gold // Alcohol: 9.2% by volume // Aroma: Ripe banana, spice // Flavour: Ripe banana, spice, fruity, lemon peel bitterness
33 ACRES OF CID3R : Colour: Hazy blonde // Alcohol: 6.9% by volume // Aroma: Tart apple, lemon peel // Flavour: Tart apple, lemon peel, dry, ripe apple sweetness
33 ACRES OF PROGRESS : Colour: Deep Orange // Alcohol: 7.5% by volume // Aroma: Sasison funk with tropical candy // Flavour: Apricot, Pink Grapefruit, Black Tea, lingering pine and citrus finish.
Description : Our vision was born out of enjoyment for the binding elements of life. The spirit of community sharing; Drink, food, conversation, space, and ideas. We carry a strong appreciation for the boundless limits created by hard work. We’re influenced by the natural elements of our surroundings, fuelled by creative thinking, and driven to make the highest quality product.
Address : 15 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC
Facebook : facebook.com/33AcresBrewing
Url: 33acresbrewing.com
Instagram : instagram.com/33acresbrewing/
Twitter: #33acres