who are you:
well, I’m Madelline and I’m a graphic designer.
your current job:
I work as a writer in chief for a local magazine and I’m a freelance graphic designer / illustrator, also I’ve been working on music.
in which city are you located?
Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
A word to define what kind of worker you are:
I don’t think there’s a word to describe myself as a worker or as a person… I love to learn about everything, anything that makes me grow as a person and that immediately help me to do a better work.
what tools are essential to your life (app, software, etc..)
illustrator and Ableton live.
what does your office space look like?
My space is cozy and small, and I have some crystals around me to get the energy I need each day. (photo attached)
what kind of music do you listen when you are working?
depending on my mood, if I feel the day going a bit slow I like to hear some ambient or classical music or if I feel a bit hyped I like to listen, trip hop, downtempo hip hop or something
that makes me dance in my chair.
Do you have a way to organize your day to maximize your work?
every night I like to make a list of things I need to do the next day and I take the steps one by one until everything is done.
What tips would you give to improve productivity?
focus and if there’s something you don’t know how to do it, learn as much as you can, so you can be the best.
You’re better than your colleagues to:
mmmh, maybe I’m the best at making potato salad.
What is the best advice anyone has given you?
drake: “yolo”.
What is your best tip for saving time?
focus and be determined.
What is your routine start and end of the day?
first thing, I need to stretch my body, have some coffee and then I jump into the project I’m working -designing, writing or drawing- in between I like to read a little bit and at the end of the day, I love to watch a series or a movie.
Aside from your computer and your phone, what gadget can you not you go without?
my drawing notebook, the current book I’m reading or just a regular notebook to write some thoughts.