Home fashion design, decoration, interior design, home trends and inspirations are each year in January and September at the Parc des Expositions de Paris-Nord Villepinte. 69 Exhibitors to discover at MAISON&OBJET PARIS 2018 x Baronmag
Winter in Holland

Winter in Holland is a production company for shawls and home accessories. Every Winter in Holland product is personalized and produced by hand. facebook.com/pg/Winterinholland
Matías Di Carlo


Ismaël Carré

Libeco Belgian Linen


Muubs A/S

Travaux en cours

54 Celsius – PyroPet Candles


Piatto Unico

Ichendorf Milano

continues in the gallery
PI-Project | mexican handicraft | France | facebook.com/patrimonioinmaterial
Chitose | Clothing (Brand) | facebook.com/chitose.tokyo/
van-verre | Home Decor | facebook.com/vanverre
Yves Delorme | Home | facebook.com/yvesdelorme.officiel
Feelgood Designs | Home Decor | facebook.com/marta.europe
INIC coffee | facebook.com/INICcoffee
Sidai Designs | Handcrafted beaded jewelry | facebook.com/sidaidesigns/
Inouïtoosh | clothing | facebook.com/inouitoosh/
Malagoon | Home Decor | facebook.com/malagoon.living
Jeudi | Home Decor | facebook.com/jeudibougies
Jamini Design | Home Decor | facebook.com/JaminiDesign
KIKI L’ECLAIREUR | Home Decor | facebook.com/lampekikileclaireur
Heerenhuis | Interior Design Studio | facebook.com/heerenhuismanufactuur/
3rd Culture | Home Decor in Istanbul, Turkey | facebook.com/3rdculturestuff
Datcha | Home Decor | facebook.com/datcha.paris
Loup-Maison Louise Della | facebook.com/loup.maison
Mungo Design | Textile Company | facebook.com/MungoDesign
Stoned | Home Decor | facebook.com/stonedmarble
ARXE | Clothing | facebook.com/arxebcn/
Vanska Seasons | Art Craft & Jewellery | facebook.com/vanska.seasons
Atmosphère d’Ailleurs : Antiquités et Décoration | Home Decor | facebook.com/Atmosph
M’ a t il dit | Home Decor | facebook.com/matilditdesigntextile/
Sol & Luna | Home Decor | facebook.com/solandluna
Po! Paris Design | Home Decor | facebook.com/PoParisDesign
Mambo unlimited ideas | facebook.com/mambo.unlimitedideas
Mon Atelier Secret | Home Decor | facebook.com/Mon-Atelier-Secret
LRNCE |Clothing (Brand) | facebook.com/lrncelrnce
Esprit Matieres store | Home Decor | facebook.com/espritmatieresstore
POLSPOTTEN | Furniture | facebook.com/polspotten
Dialma Brown | Furniture | facebook.com/DialmaBrown/
DOFTA | facebook.com/DoftaAB/
Bazar Bizar | facebook.com/bazarbizar/
Kronbali | Home Decor | facebook.com/kronbali/
MOOGOO | Home Decor | facebook.com/MOOGOO
MYSAYANG | Home Decor | facebook.com/MYSAYANG
Gabrielle Paris | Home Decor | facebook.com/GabrielleParisDecoration/
Bloomingville | Home Decor | facebook.com/Bloomingville/
Pashmina Looms | clothing | facebook.com/pashminaloom/
Cozy living Copenhagen | Home Decor | facebook.com/cozylivingcopenhagen
chehoma | Home Decor | facebook.com/Chehoma/
ZUIVER | Home Decor | facebook.com/zuiverbv/
la-ptite-fabrik | facebook.com/laptitefabrik
Urban Nature Culture | Home Decor | facebook.com/urbannatureculture
Burel Mountain Originals | 100% wool material | facebook.com/BurelFactory
Annie Selke | home decor | facebook.com/annieselke/
Anvogg | home decor | facebook.com/anvoggfeelshearling/
GIOBAGNARA | home decor | facebook.com/giobagnara
Notre Monde | facebook.com/NotreMondeOfficial/
Eichholtz Interiors | home decor | facebook.com/eichholtzBV/
Rivièra Maison | home decor | facebook.com/rivieramaison/
Savonnerie Fer à Cheval | Cosmetics | facebook.com/Savonnerie
Castelbel Porto | Home decor | facebook.com/CastelbelPorto
Geneviève Lethu | Home decor | facebook.com/GenevieveLethuofficiel/
Cécile Preziosa | ceramic | facebook.com/cecile.preziosa
Anis et Céladon – Atelier de Delphine Lescuyer | Home decor | facebook.com/anisetceladon/
ROMUALD FLEURY Artisan Designer | furniture | facebook.com/ROMUALD-FLEURY-Artisan-Designer
bergnerschmidt | studio | facebook.com/bergnerschmidt
Barnabé Richard / Ebéniste – Créateur | Furniture | facebook.com/ebenisteriebarnaberichard/
Joseph Joseph | kitchen/cooking | facebook.com/JosephJoseph.Housewares
Cutipol | kitchen/cooking | facebook.com/Cutipol/
Costa Nova | tableware and accessories made of fine stoneware | facebook.com/costanovatableware/
Zenda | furniture | facebook.com/ZendaOutdoorFurniture/
Hidrauliktiles | home decor | facebook.com/hidrauliktiles/
SCAB DESIGN | home decor | facebook.com/scabdesign
Flam & Luce Luminaires | home decor | .facebook.com/
SITS | Furniture | facebook.com/sitseu
PotteryJo | ceramic | facebook.com/PotteryJo/
Syzygy | home decor | hfacebook.com/syzygyliving/
Acera Liven | Household Supplies | facebook.com/ACERALIVENUSA/