If you are any type of business owner, having your phone ring is more than likely going to sound like music to your ears, unless some or all of those calls are not answered in any type of timely manner. In most cases, the very first point of contact that a new potential customer will try to utilize is going to be the telephone. With that being said, it is going to be very important that you are using some type of efficient phone service that will help you to make as much of a positive impact on this potential customer as possible. On the other hand, not answering the phone or even answering and providing this new potential customer with bad customer service can very easily result in you having just missed out on a lost sale.
Why You Need a Live Telephone Answering Service
When it comes to a potential customer contacting you for the very first time, about 85% of the calls that are not answered, will not get another call from that person ever again. The potential customer will simply move on to the next company, or in other words, one of your rivals. What this means, is that with the current economic climate being as competitive as it is, not have a live telephone answering service can really put you at a disadvantage. In fact, even If you are already using a regular voicemail system, it is not going to do you any favors when it comes to not answering your phone calls. This is because roughly 75% of first-time callers will never leave a voicemail for you.
You can see more stats on this page, https://www.interconmessaging.com/telephone-answering-reception-solutions.
While you may be thinking that besides your voicemail setup, you are also available through email and live chat. The problem with these, however, is that they are not going to offer any potential new customers anywhere near the same level of personalized service that most consumers are looking for.
What all of this means, is that to really stand out from the rest of the competition, you are going to need to start utilizing an automated or even live call answering service. This is going to be the only way that you will ensure that every single phone call that your company gets is going to get answered.
Benefits of Using a Live Telephone Answering Service
Here are some of the main benefits when it comes to using a live telephone answering service.
- You will no longer need to worry about missing any phone calls, no matter what time of day it is.
- All of the incoming calls to your business will be answered in a very prompt fashion.
- Using a live telephone answering service is going to be much cheaper in the short term, as well as the long term when compared to hiring more staff to answer the phone.
- Since your staff will no longer be required to answer and speak on the telephone with any potential customers, they can now use that time to get other, more important things completed.
Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR from Pexels