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#RIP Voir: the beginning of the new era

#RIP Voir: the beginning of the new era

Published by Leonardo Calcagno

The “death” of Voir does not come as a surprise for those of us following the business of media but I hope it is a wake-up call for the industry, the government, and the public that cultural independent media in Québec is a blood sport and changes are needed to survive.

The fall of Voir is hopefully a realization that is time for advertisers (agencies, government, local businesses)  to start REALLY thinking about how your money is being spent, and that the survival of a diverse media ecosystem is essential for the cultural fabric of society. We need a real fighting chance against the #GAFA’s / FAANG’S by givens us the tool to continue. Media is changing and what’s coming for readers and creators will forever change the way they consume and create.

One big trend will be paying for content. It will become the norm, sooner than later. Paywall and subscriptions models are paving the way for old and new media to bring new revenue.

One other possible solution? After leaving BangBang/Voir to launch, we had the chance to continue working with great cultural media partners, such as Le Canal Auditif Bible urbaine and build a media coop, called Culture Cible that has helped us survive in changeling times. I strongly believe in getting together and finding ways to help each other by building bridges, learning from each other, having a strong voice, and finding ways to grow.

On a personal note, the #Voir was a great school for punk entrepreneurs ( me, Nelson Roberge Patrice Caron) when our newspaper #BangBang became partners with LE VOIR. We had the chance to meet and work with great people (Thank you Paul Cassar for your marketing and sales mentoring) and build a great indie media with my brothers in arm. From doing a live daily show radio during Francos de Montréal (gracias Laurent Saulnier), heading to SXSW to cover La Maison du Québec, launching la GAMIQ and touring across Québec, and so many great memories with bands and music lovers from across the province. Also, we had the chance to be coached by great media veterans (thanks #PierrePaquette, Michel Fortin, and #HuguesMailhot).

The main image is from our first issue of #BangBang with We Are Wolves on the cover. #RIPVOIR, adios y gracias!
