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Expert Tips to Keep Your Knees Strong and Healthy

Expert Tips to Keep Your Knees Strong and Healthy

Published by Programme B

Our joints are an essential and delicate part of our bodies, and as time passes by, it’s inevitable to feel some wear and tear that may affect the way you move your knees. While it’s completely normal to feel a popping or clicking sensation with no pain or swelling when you walk past a certain age, keeping an eye in case the situation changes is important to have yourself prepared for the worst. The good news is that you can prevent any future issues with your knees if you’re proactive in your efforts. In our following guide, we share some expert tips to keep your knees strong and healthy so that you can continue with your daily tasks with no worries.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

If you’re experiencing pain or swelling in your knees after any type of activity, one of the first steps you should consider to diminish potential damage to that area would be trying to lose some weight. Unfortunately, for every extra pound, your body has to carry around, your knees will have four times the amount of force applied on them. That number rises even further every time you go up and down the stairs, which could explain why your knees tend to hurt even further in those scenarios. Fortunately, you can start with small healthy diet changes that can help you keep your weight situation under control. If you’re already near your ideal weight, it’s important to keep an eye out for any significant weight fluctuations that may affect your knees’ health.

Strengthen Your Muscles

Another great way to ensure that your knees will be in good shape for the foreseeable future is to train specific muscles in your legs to protect the cartilage. Concentrating your efforts on the hamstrings, quadriceps, and abductors located in the thigh area will improve your range of motion and reduce the stress placed on the knee. You can either prefer squats and lunges to achieve this if you want to start right away. If you would like to use machines for this purpose, look into rowing machines for a full-body exercise or concentrate on specific muscles with hamstring curl, leg press, and knee extension machines too. Exercising at least two times a week will help you increase your knees’ strength if you take enough precautions when squatting, like avoiding any knee extension in front of your toes or going below a 90-degree angle if you’re already feeling pain in the area.

Choose the Right Footwear

Regular exercising and eating healthy aren’t the only aspects you should consider to keep your knees strong and healthy. If you’ve used high heels, it’s time to take them away from your closet because the use of heels only adds extra pressure on the knees. You will almost immediately notice the difference when you switch to comfortable and supportive footwear appropriate for your foot and gait, including orthopedic support if you have any pre-existing condition like flat or cavus feet. The small change in footwear promotes proper alignment of the joints in your legs as you move, especially since some researchers suggest that any abnormal posture starting from the foot can later contribute to more serious knee issues. Using the right shoes for exercising is even more crucial due to the amount of effort and movement placed on the knees, so consider getting a professional evaluation and fitting to get the best pair of exercise footwear.

Listen to Your Body

Don’t be stubborn by trying to push forward if you feel pain and swelling in your knee. Let’s suppose you start to feel any of these symptoms while performing any high-impact activity. In that case, it’s important to rest and apply cold compression in the affected area, as well as take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication you may have available at home. That way, if the situation improves after a few hours, you can resume your activities with no issues. However, if your knees are still suffering after a week or two, you must visit a doctor to evaluate your health and determine whether there are more severe conditions at play.

You don’t necessarily have to be a highly active person to take proper care of your knees. Joints are meant for movement, and it’s important to maintain a comfortable range of motion as much as possible to keep your body in a healthy shape. Whether you enjoy low-impact activities or you’re looking for better ways to improve your body’s physical state, it’s never too late to look into different approaches for pushing forward your mobility and strength.
