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Here’s What You Can Do to Fight Climate Change

Here’s What You Can Do to Fight Climate Change

Published by Allen Brown

Let’s face it, climate change is a scary subject. Over the course of our lifetimes, we have borne witness to the devastating effects that climate change has had on our planet first hand, and it can seem like an insurmountable problem to face. What can one person do to help stop global warming or the depletion of natural resources? The answer is more than you think. From engaging in political and collective action to lifestyle changes galore, there is a multitude of ways you can personally affect positive environmental change. Curious to learn more? Looking for some first steps you can take to help our planet thrive? Read on to discover what you can do to help fight climate change.

Pick Up Politics

For most, being politically active is not necessarily a top priority. In fact, it’s been proven that a large percentage of voting-age citizens don’t even cast a ballot. However, there is still time to affect change. Experts agree that voting for environmentally conscious representatives can make a huge difference. In exercising your right to vote you can impact elections and influence policy.  By putting power in the hands of individuals who prioritize environmental initiatives and recognize climate change as a real and pressing issue, the effects are felt nationwide. The more countries with environmentally-minded world leaders, the greater the chance for global unification in the fight against climate change.

Engage in Collective Action

As the old saying goes, many hands make light work. It can be tough to rally people behind a cause, and finding resources and institutions to aid in a project is far from easy. Cue collective action, otherwise known as a group of people banding together to enhance their condition or achieve a common objective. In these perilous times, it’s good to know that organizations recognize the benefit of ideation, planning, and execution done on a large scale. Fresh, innovative companies have seen a worldwide need for collective-led social change. As stated by the team behind, rather than throwing money at charities, individuals can contribute time and skills within a network of like-minded changemakers. As organizations realize the value in brokering trust and resource exchange between conscious corporate citizens, communities, and impactful initiatives, they make it easier than ever for normal citizens to contribute to tangible change. 

Swap Your Transportation 

Narrowing the focus from a “macro” to a “micro” perspective, there are still plenty of changes the average person can make if they want to do their part in the fight against climate change. One big-ticket item for anyone who uses a car or other fossil-fuel guzzling method of transportation in their daily commute is reconsidering their chosen method of transportation. While it is true that not everyone is able to walk or ride a bicycle to work due to inclement weather, distance, or poor health, there are some everyday swaps that can positively benefit the environment. Carpooling or combining trips are two ways to prevent the dreaded one-person-per-car commute if heading to the same location as someone else in your area. Another option is to invest in a partially or fully electricity-powered car or at the very least a car that is highly gas efficient. Some even say that driving less aggressively can cut down on emissions. 

Consume Less

Though this one may seem daunting, reducing your consumption is one of the most helpful things an individual can do to reduce their overall carbon footprint. The key here is figuring out what your typical emissions look like. By calculating or pinpointing what you consume or where you emit the most, you’ll be better prepared to make reductions accordingly. In the home, this can be simple things like the types of products you buy, how much you recycle versus how much you throw away, and how frequently you are using things like lights, heating, and cooling systems. By starting with little actions like opening the windows instead of blasting the air conditioning, or making sure you use your composter, you can progress to living a waste-free life in no time.

One of the only sure things in life is that nobody is perfect. The actions and initiatives you get involved with may not change the world overnight, but they will impact the environment and contribute to the fight against climate change. Whether you’re casting a vote for the first time, getting involved with social entrepreneurship, biking to work, or simply shutting your lights off whenever you leave the house, you can make a difference. Everything counts to protect our Earth and pave the way to a brighter future!
