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5 Health Benefits of Probiotics

5 Health Benefits of Probiotics

Published by Programme B

The body has both good and bad bacteria. Good bacteria helps with fighting off excess bad bacteria to maintain a good healthy balance in the body. 

When you get an infection, this is a clear sign that you have more bad than good bacteria. 

Because of their usefulness in the body, it’s important to consume supplements or foods rich in probiotics. Good quality drinkable yogurt is an excellent example of foods rich in probiotics. 

Here are five health benefits of probiotics. 

1. A Better Digestive System

Probiotics are known to restore a good balance of bacteria in the gut. 

This balance can be thrown off by illness, certain medications, especially antibiotics, poor dietary habits, and so on. 

The results can be poor digestion, mental health issues, allergies, weight management problems, and so on. 

2. Treatment and Prevention of Diarrhea

Probiotics can help prevent or treat diarrhea occurring from taking antibiotics and other causes. They also decrease its severity. 

In one study, researchers proved that probiotics could reduce antibiotic-induced diarrhea by up to 42% and travelers’ diarrhea by 8%

The effectiveness of probiotics on preventing or treating bacteria is dependent on the dose taken. 

3. Good For Mental Health

Gut health has been linked to mental health and mood in several studies. These findings have been supported by both animal and human studies. 

Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus supplementation for 1-2 months is known to improve obsessive-compulsive disorder, autism, memory, depression, and anxiety. 

Probiotics also deliver good outcomes for people suffering from depression. 

4. Heart Health

Probiotics can lower blood pressure and LDL, which is bad cholesterol. Certain bacteria that produce lactic acid can reduce cholesterol by breaking down bile found in the gut. 

Bile occurs naturally in the body and aids in digestion. Probiotics can break down bile, preventing it from being reabsorbed in the gut and getting into the bloodstream as cholesterol. 

Studies on this have varied. One has proven a reduction in total cholesterol. Another has found an increase in good cholesterol. Different studies have revealed a decrease in blood pressure. 

5. Allergy Management

There are certain probiotic strains known to reduce the severity of eczema in infants and children. 

In one study, infants fed on milk supplemented with probiotics showed an improvement in their eczema symptoms. In a different study, infants born to women that took probiotics during pregnancy had a significantly lower risk of developing eczema in the first two years of life. 

While the evidence on this is weak, it’s also suggested that probiotics reduce inflammatory responses in milk allergies. 

Probiotics are something you should add to your diet. To reap the most benefits, find food products or supplements with 1 billion to 100 colony-forming units or live organisms. 

Photo by Roberto Nickson from Pexels

