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5 Culture Trends for the Decade Ahead

5 Culture Trends for the Decade Ahead

Published by Programme B

Nobody can predict the future, even just a few years ahead, and if you don’t believe that, think back to 2010 and imagine someone foretelling what the next decade would hold. All the same, it’s certainly possible to look at right now and make a few assumptions about what tomorrow holds.

The Roaring 20s

America in the 1920s was recovering from the first world war that had ever happened and a devastating worldwide epidemic, the Spanish Flu. Youth culture blossomed as Prohibition created a vibrant underground scene of illegal alcohol distributed at speakeasys. Traditional mores and morals were up for grabs. Could the 2020s be more of the same as the world emerges blinking from another pandemic? This remains to be seen, but some cultural commentators are predicting that the 20s might just roar again.


Speaking of the Roaring Twenties, cigarette smoking was all the rage back then too. That’s not so true today, where vaping has overtaken cigarette smoking as a cool, sophisticated pastime. Myle Canada has some amazingly sleek devices that certainly would work great. Whether you already use a vaporizer regularly or you’re just getting started, you can get a high-quality desktop vape in the efficient and easy-to-use Volcano Classic vaporizer. With an iconic balloon and valve system among other advanced features, the Volcano Classic is a great way to jump on the vaping bandwagon and see what the fuss is all about.

Digital Detoxing

If the 2010s were all about the rise of the smartphone, the 2020s may well be the era of the digital detox. People are looking for fun ways to spend free time that do not necessarily require technology. It’s unlikely that most people are going to put away their internet connected devices for good, but people are increasingly concluding that either they control their smartphone, or their smartphone controls them. What this looks like varies from person to person. Some people declare one day a week a full digital detox day when they don’t turn on a computer or look at another device. Others are shutting down their social media accounts or at least deactivating for long stretches. Above all, people are becoming increasingly proactive about making sure that technology works for them.

Working From Home

Not everyone loves working from home. For every person who would happily never commute to an office or put on business clothes again, there’s someone who misses the easy demarcation between work and home and the opportunity to practice employee bonding and have face-to-face interactions. All the same, there’s no denying that many employees and employers have embraced the opportunity for more people to log in from their dining room or home office, and it’s likely that this is a trend that will continue to grow in the years ahead.

Sustainable Living

Sustainable is something of a buzzword these days, but underlying it is a growing urgency that says not everything should be disposable and that being environmentally friendly is an important value. While fast-fashion chains are reevaluating their business models, some coastal European cities choked by tourists are banning cruise ships, and movements dedicated to rewilding or letting rural land return to an earlier, less cultivated state, are growing in popularity. Some companies may use the word sustainable to sell products, but more and more people are making life choices based on values rooted in sustainability.

Photo by Israelzin Oliveira from Pexels
