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7 Best Practices for Small Business Social Media

7 Best Practices for Small Business Social Media

Published by Programme B

Social media can be intimidating, especially when you aren’t sure how to go viral or get noticed by your target audience. It may seem like a lot to learn, particularly if you don’t already have any personal social media accounts. Once you know how to optimize your social media profiles and post content that gets fantastic engagement, you’ll be ready to expand your social reach to the next platform.

1. Post Often

Posting content is the lifeblood for any small business on social media. By using optimized hashtags that are competitive and not oversaturated with posts, you increase your chances of getting noticed by people with interest in your work or service, as well as by people who live in the area your business operates out of.

Posting at the wrong frequency might affect how many people can discover your business. If you post too much, the algorithm may penalize you or flag you as spam. If you don’t post enough, your account will likely be lost among the slew of new posts coming out every minute. Once you figure out the right frequency to post 

2. Engage Your Audience

Respond to comments promptly. Your audience will love having you react to their stories or answer their questions without them having to send your business an email. Interacting with your audience shows that you care, and asking them for feedback or things they’d love to see or know about can also position you as an expert in your field of business.

Find out where your audience is and focus more on the social media that gives you a return on your investment rather than spreading yourself thinly on every platform. You might find that it’s challenging to juggle numerous platforms you’re unfamiliar with. Instead of using every platform, study which ones give you the most engagement. Focus on those, then include other platforms when you feel ready.

3. Create Appealing Graphics

Having a cohesive spread matters, especially on photo-based apps like Instagram and Pinterest. Photos are eye-catching, and they pop in a feed that’s usually text-based. Make sure that all of your graphics are consistent and follow the same color scheme and fonts. 

Choosing similar-looking graphics matters, especially on platforms like Instagram, where your audience can see all of your posts in a grid format. Having enticing images might be what makes them click and go through with a purchase. 

4. Try Out New Features

Social media platforms release new features for users frequently. These features usually aim to meet even more user needs than before by providing them with something similar to another app or website. Since they strive to be competitive, they want users to use the new feature to get it popular as soon as possible.

New features are a great way to get your account noticed because social media platforms will actively promote your account because you’re using a feature they just rolled out. For example, Reels on Instagram is on the main navigation bar and shows a user new content from accounts they don’t follow with the swipe of a finger.

5. Optimize for SEO

You may know to optimize your website and blog posts for SEO, but having a well-thought-out social media profile can also contribute to people finding your business more efficiently. Social media profiles rank in search engine results, which means, to get your business’s page at the top of the results, you need to optimize your profile. 

Certain things, like your name area on Instagram, are searchable. Putting what kind of business you have in your title area can help people find your profile more easily. Similarly, people can use Pinterest almost like a search engine, so using essential keywords in the title of your boards and descriptions of your pins can help new followers discover your content.

6. Collaborate With Others

Collaborating with others is a great way to get your content noticed by someone else’s audience. Consider your needs and the platform you’ll be working with others on. On platforms like Pinterest, you can start boards with other brands similar to yours so that both of your audiences will be able to view both accounts’ content. 

On Facebook and Instagram, you may choose to do something a little different and collaborate with influencers. Usually in exchange for money or complimentary products, an influencer will promote your business to their vast audience, which could gain you valuable followers. You might consider working with a local influencer, maybe someone with fewer followers, to help your budget and get word of your business out to your community.

7. Repurpose Your Material

If you’ve already got a silo of content by other means, such as blogging and podcasting, you can repurpose that material into social media posts. You could turn an exceptionally long blog post into a couple of podcasts and many posts on social media of your choice. You don’t have to dig too hard for content or solely worry about hopping on trends. Use the stellar content you’ve already created that you can pull from to curate a fantastic feed.

Get Noticed on Social Media Faster

When posting to your social media feeds, what you’re searching for are quality followers that plan to purchase from you or spread the word about you. As such, you have to find the perfect balance of posting original content and jumping on trends in addition to figuring out how frequently to post them. Just remember that every brand starts somewhere, and once you get your feet wet in the world of social media, you’ll realize just how beneficial it is to a growing small business.

Photo by Виктория Ривьер from Pexels
