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High-Conflict Divorces and Codependency

High-Conflict Divorces and Codependency

Published by Programme B

The marriage termination process is hardly ever simple itself. But when there is any personality disorder, it doesn’t make the process any easier. When you have to deal with a codependency divorce, prepare to overcome a range of complications that will most probably arise in the process. 

Discover more about codependency and drastic changes in the relationships it will eventually bring, and learn how to cope with your own situation. 

What Is Codependency

Codependent people are glued to their partners and rely on them fully. Such a person sacrifices everything for their spouse to be happy and delighted. They don’t live their own life, but care about their partner’s needs and wishes only. A codependent feels better when overpowered and controlled in marriage. They either don’t want or need any different kinds of relationships.

When it comes to codependency and divorce, it can mean a disaster for a codependent who will feel not full without their spouse and may suffer the same way they used to during the marriage. Yet, if approached the right way, divorce may become a huge relief for both sides and a chance for a better relationship. 

Codependent and Narcissist Dance

If you wonder what is a codependent marriage, you may come across the image of codependent and narcissist dance. Truly, when there is a codependent on one side, there is a narcissist on the other. 


The codependent always gives, pleases the partner, lives up to their preferences and needs, and provides any kind of physical and emotional support. They find it as the aim of steady and truthful relationships. Codependents are usually unable to choose any different partner than narcissists.

A narcissist is usually a self-centered person, who takes all care and support for granted. They prefer controlling positions in relationships. They have full power over the partner and marriage in general. Such superiority is what usually attracts and pleases a narcissist.

The divorcios en Florida between codependent and narcissist may happen when the latter is bored and needs another codependent to please them. A codependent rarely quits the marriage, but when they do, it means that relationships have become too toxic to bear them.

The Toxic Relationships

Relationships are always toxic between codependent and narcissists since neither of them can balance their marriage properly. Codependent commits to the relationships to the fullest extent since they hope it will change their partner’s approach somehow. They naively believe the narcissist will love and care about them in return. It proceeds even when the relationships include emotional and physical abuse. 


Narcissists cannot do without codependents as well. The low self-esteem of codependents and full control over the marriage fuel their selfishness. And even when a narcissist dumps a codependent, they both cannot live without each other’s inadequacies. Instead of finding out how to resolve a conflict, they come together to torture each other on and on until divorce happens.

High-Conflict Divorce

Due to such a peculiar approach to relationships from both codependents and narcissists, they are the last people to hope for a perfect divorce to happen between them. But if you treat the case in the best possible way, you can avoid a range of complications in the outcomes.

If you are codependent and preparing for divorce, here are some simple tips for you:

  • realize that it is hardly in your powers to change your spouse and your marriage, so it is better for you to leave them;
  • get rid of the feeling of guilt and sole responsibility over the ruined marriage;
  • cooperate with a support group and/or a therapist to make it through the divorce healthily;
  • hire relevant specialists (attorney, mediator, financial consultant, etc.) to help you finish up your marriage despite any complications (your partner will be in a rage feeling they have lost control over you and your relationship);
  • choose a representative you trust if you find it challenging to face your partner during divorce-related meetings;
  • prioritize your and your kids’ needs through the marriage termination process;
  • don’t let your partner manipulate or bully you but work hard to deal with a divorce in the top beneficial way.

 If you cooperate with the relevant specialists and care about your own wellness, the results of the divorce will be positive. Yet, this won’t be the end of your trouble. As a codependent, you have to change your personal approach to the relationships, so that you don’t get stuck in codependency again ad again but reach your happy future in the outcomes. 


