Nobody wants to learn their furnace has been red-tagged. This means an inspector or technician found a problem with the unit that they believe is serious. The unit must be serviced before it can be used again to ensure the safety of those who live or work in the building and others in the vicinity.
Fortunately, thanks to the safety features found on modern furnaces, those who have been using the furnace don’t need to worry that they have been exposed to something harmful. The red tag is designed to prevent the situation from reaching critical levels. Call for help if your furnace is red-tagged, so it can be used once again without worry.
Types of Red Flags
Gas technicians and inspectors use two types of red tags to identify problems with a gas furnace. A type A tag is the most serious, as the inspector believes there is a current threat to the user’s health and safety. When this type of tag is placed on a furnace, they must shut the gas supply off and report the problem to the gas company. A registered technician must then come in and resolve the issue before clearing the tag. Once the tag is cleared, the furnace can be used again.
If the technician places a type B red tag on the unit, they have found an issue that could escalate quickly. While they don’t shut off the gas appliance when they place this tag on it, they do alert the gas company. The owner of the furnace then has a specified period to repair the appliance. If the owner doesn’t meet this deadline, the gas company shuts off the supply to the appliance.
Why Might a Technician Red Tag a Gas Furnace?
The main reason an appliance might be red-tagged is that there is a natural gas leak. As this gas easily combusts and a small spark could lead to a fire, the gas supply must be halted immediately. If enough gas builds up in the area, an explosion may occur.
A carbon monoxide leak is the second reason a red tag might be applied to a gas furnace. Carbon monoxide is harmful to humans and pets. In large enough quantities, it may lead to death. The appliance receives a red tag until the leak can be corrected or the unit replaced.
The Purpose of Red Tags
Red tags are meant to protect those using a furnace and the immediate surroundings. When a technician places a red tag on an appliance, the owner may question the need for doing so. It never hurts to receive a second opinion in this situation, as the original technician may have erred on the side of caution when taking this step.
Never assume the unit must automatically be replaced. The problem might be with the heat exchanger, but it could also be something as simple as a loose seal or a faulty component. A reputable technician will be able to examine the unit and determine the source of the concern. They then make recommendations on how to correct the problem so the appliance can be used safely.
The easiest way to avoid a red tag is to have the system inspected and maintained yearly. This allows minor problems to be caught and corrected before they reach the point where a red tag is needed.
Call and make an appointment today to have all the gas appliances in the home or business inspected. Doing so provides the owner with peace of mind, as they know their gas appliances are working as intended and occupants around them remain safe.
Photo by Mathias Reding