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Caitlin Gossage tips for asset management compliance in Canada

Caitlin Gossage tips for asset management compliance in Canada

Published by Programme B

Caitlin Gossage is a distinguished professional renowned for her exceptional proficiency in financial services compliance and operations. Her profound understanding of regulations, coupled with her exceptional operational aptitude, sets her apart. Her journey in the financial sector commenced with her entry into a prominent “big five” Bank in Toronto.

Caitlin Gossage‘s unwavering commitment to delivering excellence became evident right from the start, leading to a series of well-deserved promotions throughout her career.

In a recent conversation, Caitlin Gossage shared five valuable insights on asset management compliance.

Stay Abreast of Regulatory Changes: Within Canada, multiple Self-Regulatory Organizations (SROs) enforce distinct regulations. These regulations undergo frequent updates and revisions. Caitlin advises vigilance in monitoring the regulatory landscape to ensure your firm conforms to the latest rules and guidelines. Staying subscribed to pertinent industry newsletters, maintaining connections with peers, attending conferences, and engaging with regulatory bodies are strategies to stay well-informed.

Establish Robust Compliance Policies and Protocols: Crafting and implementing comprehensive compliance policies and protocols is indispensable for any organization. Caitlin Gossage suggests tailoring these policies to your company’s unique requirements while ensuring alignment with pertinent regulations. These policies should encompass aspects like risk management, anti-money laundering (AML), and client confidentiality, among others.

Regularly Conduct Compliance Training: A well-informed workforce is pivotal for upholding compliance in financial services entities. Caitlin Gossage advocates for regular training sessions to educate staff about regulatory obligations, potential risks, and the latest industry best practices. This equips your team to proactively identify and address compliance matters.

Undertake Internal Compliance Audits: Internal compliance reviews function as proactive measures to uncover and rectify compliance gaps prior to external regulatory interventions. Caitlin Gossage suggests establishing a structured and periodic internal review process to evaluate your firm’s adherence to relevant policies and procedures. These audits play a pivotal role in identifying vulnerabilities, enhancing controls, and showcasing your dedication to compliance.

Cultivate a Culture of Compliance: Caitlin underscores the integration of compliance into the fabric of organizational culture. Leadership should exemplify proper processes and prioritize compliance as a foundational principle. Encourage open channels of communication that allow employees to report potential compliance issues without apprehension. Recognize and reward those who actively contribute to a compliant work environment.

These recommendations serve as general principles and may necessitate tailoring based on the regulatory milieu in your country and your company’s distinct attributes. Always seek guidance from legal and subject matter experts to ensure full adherence to applicable laws and regulations.

Photo by stayhereforu x
