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4 After-School Activities to Keep Kids Engaged

4 After-School Activities to Keep Kids Engaged

Published by Leonardo Calcagno

Coming home from school to spend the entire afternoon and evening watching Netflix is probably every kid’s dream – and every parent’s nightmare. While this kind of downtime is alright from time to time, it shouldn’t be the norm for growing kids.

Kids staying active and engaged after school hours is important and plays a major role in their overall development. However, when you’re working full-time and can’t always be around to guide them, it can be tough to ensure they’re spending their time wisely. This is where getting your kids involved in after-school activities will save you. Here are a few ideas to consider. 

Sports and Physical Activities

Regular exercise is essential for growing kids – even more essential than it is for us as adults to live healthy lives! Getting your kids involved in a sport is great for their physical health but also contributes to learning things like teamwork and discipline. 

Talk to your kids about what they enjoy and make a decision together. There are so many options, like soccer, swimming, martial arts, and basketball. Look for local sports clubs for kids, like the Edmonton youth basketball clubs, or sign them up for the school soccer team. This will get them up and active at least one afternoon per week. 

Art and Creativity

Physical activity is essential, but getting your brain active is just as important, especially for kids. Alongside exercising after school, children and teens should regularly engage in other kinds of hobbies and learning that don’t involve scrolling on their phones. 

Arts and crafts are a great option for your more creatively inclined kids. Think sketching and painting, sculpting, or even building model kits. Chat with your kids about their interests and see how you can help get them into a creative hobby. You might be able to find weekly classes in your community or simply help them by getting them some materials to get started at home. 

Music and Literature

Some kids are creative in different ways and need to lean into what makes them happy! 

Perhaps your kids are more interested in music or literature and would like to learn and hone their skills in that direction. Learning a musical instrument or practicing creative writing is a great way to develop emotional well-being and express oneself, which is especially important for growing kids. Look out for music classes or a local choir to enroll your kids in. Alternatively, encourage your children to read after school and supply them with writing prompts to get their creative juices flowing! 

Science and Technology

Not everyone is a creative soul, and that’s okay! Some kids and teens will express a keen interest in learning, and STEM education is crucial in the modern world.

Encourage an interest in science and technology by offering them the chance to take afternoon classes to learn skills like coding or robotics or by taking them to science fairs. You’ll find in-person options in your local community and countless online resources for kids of all ages. 
