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Nanny Cameras: Much More Than Just for Watching Your Nanny

Nanny Cameras: Much More Than Just for Watching Your Nanny

Published by Leonardo Calcagno

If you have a young child and you’re at the stage where you’re finally ready to leave them in someone else’s care, then you know that doing so is certainly not easy. When you have been the only one to care for your child for months on end, and you have not spent more than a few minutes apart from one another, it is natural to feel some separation anxiety during that first day or night apart. 

However, even dedicated moms and dads deserve to have some time to themselves every once in a while. When you do not have family members living nearby, your only option may be to hire a nanny. Still, that can be a challenging ordeal as well.

No matter how good a nanny’s resume may be, and how friendly they may seem in an interview, you never know exactly how they will handle your child. Are they going to pay adequate attention to all of your child’s needs? Will they follow your instructions regarding bedtimes, feeding, and behaviour management? Above all else, will they do something that will put your child’s safety at risk? 

There is only one way to know exactly what is going on between your nanny and your child while you are away, and that is with a nanny camera. That way, you can discreetly keep an eye on things while you are gone to ensure your child is fine and your nanny is deserving of your trust.

What is a nanny cam?

So, what is a nanny cam, and how does it differ from your average security camera? The key to a nanny cam is its discreteness. Nanny cams are often hidden in common, everyday household items, such as clocks, house plants, tissue boxes, and wall decorations. That way, they can be used to monitor what is going on in your house when your nanny is there without them becoming aware that they are being watched.

Nanny cams can often be used remotely since the videos that they record are transmitted via radio waves to other devices like your smartphone or laptop. Although most nanny cams do not record audio for legal reasons, it is not difficult to find a variety of nanny cams that can record high-quality videos. Some nanny cams can even provide a live feed, so you can watch what is taking place in your home in real time. 

Once you purchase a nanny cam, it is important to set it up in a central place in your house, where your nanny likely spends the most amount of time with your child. Set it somewhere at or above eye level, such as a shelf or bookcase. In some cases, it may even make sense to set up multiple nanny cams so that you can watch what takes place in your child’s bedroom or play area, too. 

Most nanny cams are battery-operated, so once you put in the right batteries and link the camera to the device of your choosing, you should be good to go.

How Nanny Cams Can Help Parents

Nanny cams can help parents in British Columbia in many ways. Installing a nanny camera can alleviate a lot of the intense stress and anxiety that comes with leaving your child in someone else’s care. Even after you get to know a nanny and no longer view them as a stranger, it can still be stressful to fully trust them with your child, especially when you cannot check in on them. 

Therefore, knowing exactly how things are handled in your home when you are gone can help put your mind at ease. Nanny cams can also make a huge difference in increasing your child’s safety. Nanny cam footage will allow you to see if your nanny is regularly doing things that threaten your child’s safety, such as leaving them unattended or mishandling them. 

You may even be shocked to find that your nanny is abusing your child either verbally or physically while you are away. You can then decide how to take the right steps to make your child safe again. Many home security systems in British Columbia have features that can act as a nanny cam by providing footage of your home in real time. 

In the event that you decide to go with one of these systems instead, you can use it in a similar way, checking in and monitoring your nanny’s behaviour whenever you would like.

The Pros and Cons of Nanny Cams

If you are hesitant about buying a nanny cam from a smart home security system provider in British Columbia, it may help to have a good idea of all the advantages and disadvantages that such a security system comes with.

The Pros

Of course, the main benefit of a nanny cam is the ability that it gives you to know what is going on in a situation where you would otherwise be clueless. If you get a nanny cam and regularly use it only to find that your nanny is perfectly handling your child, it will likely put your mind at ease.

In the unfortunate case that you find, there are issues with your child’s nanny, you can do what you must to rectify the situation. Having a nanny cam can also help you feel connected to your child even when you are away from them.

The Cons 

One of the major cons of a nanny cam could arise if your nanny finds out they are being secretly watched. They may feel as if their trust has been violated,  especially in situations where they are not doing anything wrong, and they could be offended.

There is also the potential that you can run into some legal ramifications depending on where you live and how the footage from your nanny cam is used. Thus, it is important to be aware of the laws around this issue ahead of time.

Should you install a nanny cam in your home?

Whether you have doubts about your nanny or not, you never know what you could learn from the footage that a nanny cam will provide you with. Sometimes, a nanny may seem great at first, but there is a lot going on behind the scenes that you do not know about. When your child is too young to understand what is going on, a nanny cam can be the best way to find out the reality of the situation. 

Not only will installing a nanny cam put your mind at ease, but it will also help you to deal with being separated from your child by allowing you to check in on them whenever you want.

Nanny cams are one of the many ways that advancements in technology have improved home security in recent years. Just like smart home security systems, being able to watch your house in real-time while you are away can do wonders for your confidence in its security.

