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Caffeine lover? Here Are Few Tips On How To Make A Heavenly Beverage At Home

Caffeine lover? Here Are Few Tips On How To Make A Heavenly Beverage At Home

Published by Allen Brown

If you are one of those people who can’t begin their day without having a good dose of caffeine first, getting your fix as soon as possible is probably crucial to you. Waiting in line at your favorite coffee shop can be annoying, and sometimes you are just too busy to run by anyway. Fortunately, there are a couple of methods to prepare this heavenly brew at home, and you won’t even need to buy an expensive machine to do so. Here are simple tips for you to make homemade coffee.

The Pour Over Method

This is one of the most popular ways to brew coffee, and for a good reason. All you need to do is put a cone dipper over a cup, place a filter over it, then add fine grounds before pouring boiling water on them. Let them release their aroma for at least 30 seconds, then add more water to wet the coffee evenly until you have the amount you wanted. The water will slowly drip into the vessel through the filter, so it will also cool down enough, so you can drink it as soon as your cup is full. It is recommended to rinse the filter with hot water before adding the beans to seal the filter and ensure you get the intensity you want.

The Pressing Method

Another easy method to make coffee is using a plunger to press their aroma out and into the liquid. The most common way to do this is with either the French press or the Aeropress coffee makers. French press simply involves pouring coarse ground coffee into a carafe, then filling it with boiling water. After that, you just have to stir it, wait for 4-5 minutes, and steep by slowly pressing the plunger down. Aeropress will require you to have a special vacuum chamber that will act as a plunger pressing onto the beans. You will have to place the grounds onto the filter placed in a carafe, pour water over them, then press the plunger.

Stovetop Espresso Maker

With this Italian invention for coffee brewing, you can make the richest espresso you ever had – right on top of your stovetop. The secret to this is to use the finest coffee ground you can find, as these will release their aroma more quickly. And if you also learn how to grind coffee beans at home, you will always have a fresh batch, and your favorite brew will be even more flavorful. After using the most convenient grinding method, you will need to fill the filter basket with ground coffee and pour boiling water into the lowest chamber of the espresso pot. Screw on the top before placing the pot on the stove, and remove when it starts boiling.

Cold Soaking

If you are a caffeine lover living in a warm climate, you will definitely appreciate this method. You will need to add coarsely ground coffee into a larger container, pour cold water on it and stir a little bit. Leave it to steep at room temperatures or in a fridge for 12 hours, then strain into a new jar using either a coffee filter or a cheesecloth. It’s recommended to soak the grounds at night or late afternoon, so you can have a fresh cup of iced coffee to taste in the morning. But if you have a busy schedule, you can also make larger batches and store them in the fridge for a couple of days.

Other Coffee Makers

There are also other types of coffee makers you can use to get your daily fix of caffeine. One of them involves using a siphon that you will have to fill with water and place over the stove. As the water levels begin to rise, you need to add the grounds while stirring. After 1-2 minutes, you can remove it from the heat and wait until the brew grains down until the bottom part of the siphon. Chemex is another type of specific glass coffee maker using the same method as the classic pour-over one. The only difference is that this method will require you to use a heavier filter to control the flow of water as it passes through the grounds.

Hopefully, this article will help you find the perfect way to make that perfect cup of coffee that will guarantee to wake up your senses. Whichever method you have chosen, it will depend on your preferences. Just remember, in order to make the best brew, you will need good quality ingredients. And, of course, the fresher the ground is, the more intense the taste of your favorite beverage will be.

