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César Cotón, illustrator and graphic designer at Casa de Dios church.

César Cotón, illustrator and graphic designer at Casa de Dios church.

Published by Leonardo Calcagno

Who are you:

César Cotón

Your current job:

I’m an illustrator and graphic designer at an in house advertising agency at Casa de Dios church.

In which city are you located?

Guatemala city.

A word to define what kind of worker you are:

Detail-oriented… Very often I sacrifice enough time to achieve better results.

What tools are essential to your life (app, software, etc..)

Well, to my work, Illustrator and photoshop are essential. To my life… I consider that my references stock (portofolio online, social media, Pinterest, etc…) because the talent of other artists always push me to be better at work, no matter which techniques and tools.

What does your office space look like?

My work space is an open office temporarily located in a big room shared with TV production department and social media managers (the new offices are in construction, but will get ready soon!). This place is always cheerful, never silent.

What kind of music do you listen when you are working?

Mainly electronic music, rock and some modern instrumental but also I like to listen to the crazy list played by one of my colleagues in high volume. … he finds every fun thing on youtube XD

Do you have a way to organize your day to maximize your work?

In this place, come different work orders at different times, and it turns difficult to plan but maintaining an organized workspace on both my desktop and my computer always speeds up the work.

What tips would you give to improve productivity?

Keeping an attitude of calm during moments of urgency helps your concentration and your coworkers. I’m still learning to do it but i have improved.The more you practice in your free time the more effective you will be in working hours.

You’re better than your colleagues to:

Illustrate in my own style… haha, they are good in their own styles.

What is the best advice anyone has given you?

Objectivity … even the most subjective things, like our emotions, acquire meaning if they are framed in an objective vision of life. That makes my life more simple.

What is your routine start and end of the day?

Get ready to go to my work at 6:00 am, take the bus over 2 hours to Casa de Dios (24 km away from my house), then eat my breakfast… and then work. When i am back home, I like to listen some audiobooks and illustrate something random.

Aside from your computer and your phone, what gadget can you not you go without?

My backpack, I carry it everywhere, whit some stuff (My moleskine or Sheets and pencil,) that always save my life… like a boy scout.
