Who are you
I´m Claudio Sibille, industrial designer, specialized in furniture design, and more specifically in multifunctional and space saving design
Your current job
Co-Owner and Lead designer at M3
In which city are you located?
Montevideo, in the now much controversial Uruguay.
A word to define what kind of worker you are
What tools are essential to your life (app, software, etc..)
Autocad, 3d studio and photoshop.

What does your office space look like?
Like a mess that was meant to be organized, but working on it. Apart from my usual desk, anywhere quiet and tidy with natural sunlight.
What kind of music are you listen when you are working?
I listen to pretty much everything, even though I have a clear preference for classical music. If I had to take a single piece or a work of music to a deserted island, along with my laptop and desk, I guess it would be Bach´s Goldberg variations for piano by Glenn Gould.
Do you have a way to organize your day to maximize your work?
Wake up early, black coffee in hand, tidy up the mess in my desk, music in the background and get to work. Not that I follow this every day, but when I do, it´s incredible how easier ideas come around in a tidy, organized environment.
What tips would you give to improve productivity ?
Organize and have a fixed schedule.
You’re better than your colleagues to
Getting a thrill every time I see a design of mine being prototyped, obviously.
What is the best advice anyone has given you?
1)“Patience, eventually things will come alone” (If working hard of course) 2) “You are not going to reinvent the wheel”

What is your best tip for saving time?
Never wasting too much time in a single idea. Switch to another thing when you are out of inspiration.
The challenge in working at home sometimes is organizing time, so having a strict routine that serves as a replacement to formal office schedule is fundamental.
What is your routine start and end of the day?
Do my bed, open the blinds, make breakfast, immediately get coffee ready (usually with a cigarette) and push the power button in my computer. That´s for the start. For the ending, usually close the Autocad, shut down my computer, take a hot shower and go to bed to my wife .
Aside from your computer and your phone, what gadget can you not
you go without?:
Hmmm, a good set of headphones I guess.
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