Who are you :
I’m a Graphic designer, Art and motion graphics Director who made a radical change in my life, leaving the big city to start a studio in a town near the mountains, surrounded by nature which has always inspired me.
Since then I lead a team formed by top-level illustrators, 3D artists, motion designers and animators, who come to work in a calm and great environment in projects for renowed brands.
Your current job :
Art & Motion graphics director at Andres Rossi Studio
In which city are you located?
Villa Giardino, Cordoba, Argentina
A word to define what kind of worker you are:
Responsible and enthusiastic
What tools are essential to your life (app, software, etc..)
Adobe creative suite, Maxon Cinema4d, Skype.

What does your office space look like?
Very luminous like, The studio has a big window with great view of the hills.
What kind of music do you listen when you are working ?
Everything, depending on my mood and the weather. It goes from punk rock all the way to folk music, and everything in between.
Do you have a way to organize your day to maximize your work ?
I set an amount of hours for each project, and times to check and answer emails as well.
What tips would you give to improve productivity ?
Rest well, get out and take a long walk, clear your head from time to time.
You’re better than your colleagues to:
I don’t consider myself better, one thing I can say is that I am very proactive, and have the ability to solve problems, stay calm and create a healty environment during times of pressure. (deadlines, unespected last minute changes, etc)
What is the best advice anyone has given you?
Follow your dreams. (a bit cliche, but for me, the best advice ever)
What is your best tip for saving time ?
Being organized, I think it’s the key.
What is your routine start and end of the day ?
To start an early walk through the hills with my dogs and resting a bit at the side of a river, to clear my head and start fresh.
Then I work during the day, and then I enjoy spending time with my family.
Aside from your computer and your phone, what gadget can you not you go ?