Who are you :
I’m Edvina Meta and i’m a freelance photographer based in Tirana-Albania. I have graduated in Psychology, which actually just helped me realise that all i want to do is photography.
Your current job :
Since i became a freelance 3 years ago, i’ve been focused mostly in advertising, book covers, magazine covers, fashion editorials and creating projects for my upcoming exhibition. I have collaborated with Eggra, Ogilvy Albania and Landmark.
In which city are you located?
Tirana – Albania
A word to define what kind of worker you are :
I’m the kind of worker that to do something creative needs to be “in the mood” and feel motivated, thing that i can apply during my personal projects. I really like to take my time and not miss any detail especially during the editing part .When it comes to commissioned work i always respect the deadline, even if i have to work extra hours. But i love photography, i’m lucky to do what i love, so that makes me a happy workaholic i guess.
What tools are essential to your life (app, software, etc..)
In the beginning is used to use everything that i could lay my hands on, till i learned to do everything that other softwares and app would offer in photoshop, so i’m only using photoshop now. Regarding photography gears i can’t imagine my life without the Canon Ef 85mm f1.2.
What does your office space look like?
Well i changed a lot of office spaces. During my time as a full time magazine cover photographer i used to work in every space i had the chance to, mostly coffee shopsor my studio (which has a wall full of my printed work). I hated the office, is too quiet and too gray. Now as a freelance i got myself an iMac so i don’t have to take the work with me everywhere i go. As a result my workspace (editing part) now is my library, it is full of colors, books and good music.

What kind of music do you listen when you are working ?
I usually listen to Rammstein, Radiohead, David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Mozart, but lately i’m more into ‘Daft Punk”.
Do you have a way to organize your day to maximize your work ?
Phone agenda with alarms, stick notes and my notebook that i draw the basic ideas of the shooting with notes of location , styling and props.
What tips would you give to improve productivity ?
You’re better than your colleagues to :
The way i use colors in my photos and changing, i get bored to fast so im always trying new techniques on how to make photos, retouching etc.
What is the best advice anyone has given you ?
When i first started someone told me “If people are criticising your work it means you are doing something good” . And also if you happen to work in media “You need to learn how to say “NO” to people but be polite at the same time”.
What is your best tip for saving time ?
Limit social stuff, forums, twitter, facebook etc turn off notification. The rest is self discipline and focusing in the important issues first.
What is your routine start and end of the day ?
I dislike doing a routine and i really try to avoid having one. If its possible ill try every time to do smth new so i can motivate myself and always have fun while working.
But if im doing outdoor photo shooting i always prefer to do it around 07:30-11:00 am or 4;30 – 7:00 pm.
Aside from your computer and your phone, what gadget can you not you go ?
The notebook I write my ideas.