Who are you :
Hi, my name is Celia Cruz and I am a handbag designer

Your current job :
I am the designer behind Paco+Lupe handbags.

In which city are you located?
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
A word to define what kind of worker you are :
What tools are essential to your life (app, software, etc..)
A few great quality scissors, ruler, pencils, paper, needles and, of course, measuring tapes.

What does your office space look like?
Organized. So I’ve been told many times. It’s the Type A in me.

What kind of music do you listen when you are working ?
Upbeat, happy or dance when I’m sewing. But, my most favourite type of background noise is the TV, when I’m working on patterns.

Do you have a way to organize your day to maximize your work ?
I start with a new to-do list every start of the week. I give myself a realistic estimate for each task and I make sure I don’t do too many tasks in a day. Sometimes, a week becomes all about sewing, the following week is all about pattern making. I find if you do too many tasks in a week, you don’t progress faster.

What tips would you give to improve productivity ?
Take a break and go outside for at least 30 minutes a day, even if it’s just to go to grab coffee. Believe me, it’s too easy to stay indoors without leaving for days when you’re super busy. Also, take a mini vacay every now and then. It’s weird how taking a break from work revive your creativity and get you pumped to get creative.

You’re better than your colleagues to :
I try not to compare myself to anyone. There are so many amazing designers. They are inspiring. The world is big and we can share it. I just stay authentic.
What is the best advice anyone has given you ?
Take a break once in a while.

What is your best tip for saving time ?
Time? What’s that? Don’t break up your day by filling it with several tasks. I keep my day to have 1-2 tasks only. Of course, there are mini ones here and there that take a few minutes to do. Those are done either first thing in the morning or at the end of the day. But my best tip to save time is to get organized. Write tasks down. Don’t keep them in your head or it’ll explode and then, you’re not productive. WRITE STUFF DOWN!

What is your routine start and end of the day ?
First thing first, COFFEE and breakfast! At the end of the day, I review my to-do list for the next day. Then I make myself a PB&J and catch-up with my soap opera. J

Aside from your computer and your phone, what gadget can you not you go without?
My sketchbook and pens.