Who are you?
My name is Aranzazu Campoy and I’m a polymeric jewelry designer, amongst other things. I like to knit, draw and cold beer on a sunny terrace!

Your current job?
I juggle my work as a designer with painting and craft workshops for the elderly.

In which city are you located?
I have been living in Granada since 1999 when I came here to study a fine arts degree. From the moment I set foot in this city I fell head over heels in love… and here I am to this day! I was born in Murcia and every chance I get I like to visit my friends and family.

A word to define what kind of worker you are?

What tools are essential to your like? (app, software, etc…)
I could never give up my pasta maker, my clay cutter and a pen and notebook to jot down whatever comes to me. I confess I’m slightly addicted to Pinterest, it’s a great source of inspiration.

What does your office space look like?
My work space is in my home, it’s a small, bright, room where all my passions unite: yarn, drawing, crochet… As it’s a small room, I keep it well organized so I can have all my tools and materials handy at all times and so I can store all my hobbies there too.

I have everything I need within reach on my desk for every work session.

What kind of music do you listen to when you are working?
I like to use Spotify to listen to my favorite groups or to discover new music. Lately I listen to a lot of Rock n’ Roll and garage. On my playlist you’ll find JD MCpherson, Winona Car, Ottis Redding and of course Spanish groups like The Limboos, Wau y Los Arrghs and Los Chicos.

Do you have a way to organize your day to maximize your work?
I try to get up early to make the most of the day although I really do love sleeping in and there are days when I “forget” to set my alarm. I also tidy my work space and make lists.

What tips would you give to improve productivity?
Work with designs you really love. I know it’s difficult but if you’re not totally convinced that it’s something that’s really worth it, you should probably leave it for another time. And of course, turn off your phone!

You’re better than your colleagues to?
I don’t think I’m better or worse but I do think I demand a lot of myself and the results of my work.

What is the best advice anyone has given you?
Make the most of your time.

What’s your best tip for saving time?

What is your routine start and end of the day?
The first thing I do when I get up is have a cup of coffee, I don’t become a “person” until I do. On days when I only work at home I organize myself using a daily planner I have. To end the day I watch an episode of a series or maybe a movie with my man or I relax by drawing or knitting.

Aside from your computer and you phone, what gadget can you not go without?
In my bag I always carry around my iPod, gum, sunglasses and, most importantly, a pen and small notebook so that no ideas get away from me.
