Who are you :
Jakub Antalik, a 26 years old product designer from Slovakia.

Your current job :
Product designer working for Intercom, Dublin / San Francisco based startup.

In which city are you located?
I’m based in Prague, Czech republic.

A word to define what kind of worker you are :
Hard worker, I’m almost never completely satisfied with result so I’m pushing myself to work more.
What tools are essential to your life (app, software, etc..)
Sketch, Photoshop, paper and pencil.

What does your office space look like?
I just moved to the new office together with my friend, so it’s still pretty empty, but we want to make it stylish and comfortable to work in. Hopefully soon we have playstation and will create some kind of game corner there.

What kind of music do you listen when you are working ?
Usually electronic music, but I am not very strict with that. During a work I prefer a bit less distracting music to be better focused.

Do you have a way to organize your day to maximize your work ?
I use couple of time management apps, but sometime is hard to be organized and I use to do small tasks first and then focus on on bigger ones.

What tips would you give to improve productivity ?
Drink coffee and stay away from social networks. Also right motivation and being passionate about the project helps a lot.
You’re better than your colleagues to :
Eating snacks and candies.

What is the best advice anyone has given you ?
Keep trying.

What is your best tip for saving time ?
Learn how to focus on work better.

What is your routine start and end of the day ?
I begin my day with coffee, breakfast and checking my emails and in the evening I work, watch movie or go to the gym.

Aside from your computer and your phone, what gadget can you not you go without?
Headphones and Wacom tablet.