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Dušan Čežek, gentleman adventurer and co-owner of Fuchs+Dachs

Dušan Čežek, gentleman adventurer and co-owner of Fuchs+Dachs

Published by Leonardo Calcagno

Who are you: 

Dušan Čežek – Terran, creative, husband, dog owner, science believer and gamer. 

Your current job: 

Gentleman Adventurer and co-owner of Fuchs+Dachs together with my dear wife Sanja.

In which city are you located? 

Prague, Czech Republic and all over the Internet.

A word to define what kind of worker you are: 

Explosive, persistent and very curious. 

What tools are essential to your life (app, software, etc..) 

Adobe Ps, Illustrator and Premiere I guess, but I don’t like it so much since it became CC. Pyxel Edit is the great software if you are into pixel art for games. Unity with Spine. Procreate for iPad Pro, Playstation, and mobile.

What does your office space look like? 

Usually looks very messy. I like to draw all around, write stuff old-fashioned way, by hand. I work all around the flat, coffee shops, pubs, gardens… At Fuchs+Dachs we don’t believe in the concept of the regular office. 

What kind of music do you listen when you are working? 

I’m back in the 70s Rock and Indie. Somehow I don’t feel good listening to the new age music. For me, it is very repetitive and without a soul. But it depends on the project I am working on, ofc. Sometimes Bob Dylan, sometimes Nick Cave, but sometimes random soundtracks… At this moment I am listening to “Listener”. You can follow me on Spotify

Do you have a way to organize your day to maximize your work? 

Nope. I love my mess and I feel like its organized just the way my thoughts are. I believe that every project needs custom made organization. On the other hand, working as the part of the small team where all roles and deadlines are set makes the organization very easy to maintain.

What tips would you give to improve productivity? 

Love what you do and be determined. Know why you are doing stuff, for creativity or just for money and stick to it. I love to pre-sketch all the aspect of the project in my head and then jump into production. Also, some prison-guard-account-type college can help. 

You’re better than your colleagues to: 

We are a small studio of 2, Sanja and me. But on every project, we are cooperating with different people and we believe in professionalism. We are not one of those studio owners who is messing with all aspect of the project. We don’t have a vertical hierarchy. We sit together and then divide work into best fitting roles for each individual. I don’t believe that I am better than my colleagues, I tend to work in the team which inspires each other and moves project further as one. The environment where game design inspires illustration, illustration inspire animation, animation inspires sound design, sound design inspires music and music inspire changes in the game design…

What is the best advice anyone has given you? 

Not everyone is special and I the fact that my father was always hard to impress. It pushed me to be better and to give more.

What is your best tip for saving time? 

Spend time working on what you love and what you feel is right today. Then the time doesn’t matter. Or time-machine. 

What is your routine start and end of the day? 

Walking our dog every morning, morning coffee, team workflow meetings and briefings for the day, client meetings… Usually, the working day ends with evening dog walk, but it can easily overlap with the evening beer and brainstorming in search for new ideas and plans.

Aside from your computer and your phone, what gadget can you not you go without? 

Playstation, Large screen, iPad, AV amplifier, lightsaber…
