Organizer: Ural branch of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts as part of ROSIZO
With the support of: the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Commissioner of the Biennial: Alisa Prudnikova
Curator of the Main project: João Ribas
Location: Ekaterinburg and cities of the Ural region, Russia

In 2017, the biennial theme New Literacy will explore how the fourth industrial revolution is transforming the way we live, work, dream, and play. The theme is studied by a variety of exhibitions and programs, including the Main project, Artist-in-Residence program, Research project, Special projects, Parallel program, as well as research and education programs and events of the biennial University.
Curator of the Main project João Ribas has suggested the guiding themes of “image as witness,” “the choreographies of capital,” and “the persistence of the word.” The 4th industrial revolution is being shaped by new literacies around images, movements, and languages. All industrial revolutions transform our relation to space and time, as well as work and play. Today most of us walk around every day with an immense archive of images in our pockets; the changing nature of work, and the movement of the body, both individual and collective, defines a kind of choreography; language is adapting once again to this new revolution.
List of artists of the Main project:
18 Apples (2014, Russia), Basel Abbas (1983) & Ruanne Abou-Rahme (1983) (Palestine and USA), Aperto (Elena Yushina) (2015, Russia / Germany), Doug Ashford (1958, USA), Babi Badalov (1959, Azerbaijan / France), Antonina Baever (1989, Russia), Eric Baudelaire (1973, USA / France), Alexander Bazhenov (1989, Russia), Anna-Sophie Berger (1989, USA / Austria), Hugo Canoilas (1977, Portugal / Austria), Petra Cortright (1986, USA), Cecile B. Evans (1983, USA / UK), Harun Farocki (1944–2014, Germany), Carla Filipe (1973, Portugal), Forensic Architecture (Charles Heller, Lorenzo Pezzani) (2011, UK), Evgeny Granilshchikov (1985 Russia), Thomas Hirschhorn (1957, Switzerland / France), Jenny Holzer (1950, USA), Dmitriy Kalashnikov (1986, Russia), Lyudmila Kalinichenko (1985, Russia), Alexey Kallima (1969, Russia), Taisia Korotkova (1980, Russia), Olya Kroytor (1986, Russia), Christina Kubisch (1948, Germany), Salome Lamas (1987, Portugal), Lumiere Brothers: Louis Jean Lumiere (1864–1948, France), Auguste Louis Marie Nicholas Lumiere (1864–1954, France), Taus Makhacheva (1983, Russia), Aleksandr Medvedkin (1900–89, Russia), Groupe Medvedkine (1967, France), Robert Morris (1931, USA), Melvin Moti (1977, Netherlands), Otto Neurath (1882–1945, Austria / UK), Pedro Neves Marques (1984, USA), Alexander Obrazumov (1981, Russia), Pavel Otdelnov (1979, Russia), Alexandra Paperno (1978, Russia), Sasha Pirogova (1986, Russia), Sergey Poteryaev (1988, Russia), Kirill Preobrazhensky (1970, Russia), Julien Previeux (1974, France), Yvonne Rainer (1934, USA), Mika Rottenberg (1985, USA), Moises Saman (1974, Peru / Japan), Kirill Savchenkov (1987, Russia), Susan Schuppli (1959, Canada / UK), Kurt Schwitters (1887–1948, Germany / UK), Alexei Shchigalev (1989, Russia), Shirota I Dolgota (2015, Russia), Slavs and Tatars (2006), Pilvi Takala (1981, Finland / Germany), Fyodor Telkov (1986, Russia), Tipatzeha (2014, Russia), Oraib Toukan (1977, USA / UK) and Ala Younis (1974, Kuwait / Jordan), Tromarama (2006, Indonesia), Urban Fauna Laboratory (2011, Russia), Alexander Veryovkin (1987, Russia), Where Dogs Run (2000, Russia), Yonamine (1975, Angola / Portugal / Germany), ZhKP (2012, Russia), ZIP (2009, Russia).
In 2017, the biennial expands its geographic boundaries and time frame. The Artist-in-Residence program routes with a total span of 19,000 km have started on July 15. The 59 routes cover 28 cities, and for the first time the program begins two months before the official opening.
List of artists in the Artist-in-Residence Program: Tanya Akhmetgalieva (1983, Russia), Nina Bisyarina (1981, Russia), Rudy Decelière (1979, Switzerland), Florian Graf (1980, Switzerland), Hannaleena Heiska (1973, Finland), Zhenya Machneva (1988, Russia), Hèctor Zamora (1974, Mexico / Portugal).
source: e-flux