Encounters are probably what motivates me most in my career as a gallerist. Encounters with the work, the artist, and then the public in an attempt to convey accurately and passionately the essence of the creations entrusted to me. Among the exceptional people whose paths I have crossed, François Vincent has definitely been an inspiration. His work contains poetry, depth and of course mastery of his craft, but above all it holds the wisdom and humility of a great artist.

Shown at the gallery from October 4th to November 12th, the exhibition « Rondes » groups the artist’s recent paintings accompanied by a video installation following the evolution of his ideas from their genesis in his sketchbooks. The evocative power of the title chosen for the exhibit doubtlessly resides in its simplicity. In any case a modest set of wooden blocks serves as the subject of the most recent compositions.
In these works time is suspended. « We are wrapped up in the thickness of our cares » writes the artist in a previous publication. Without turning his back on his time François Vincent allows himself, through painting, to take a step back from the frantic pace of life imposed upon us. The exhibition is in some way a counterbalance to the virtual era in which we live. It’s an invitation to dream, to play, to the imaginary; an invitation to slow down and find once again the innocence of childhood.
In 1998 the artist asked «…at the end of the century how can we paint the infinite while keeping to brushes, gouache and engraving? »Nearly twenty years later, it is clear that this preoccupation has never abated. It is thus with enthusiasm that Galerie Dominique Bouffard hosts the work of François Vincent and invites the public, lovers and collectors of painting, to visit the exhibition « Rondes ».
source: Galerie Dominique Bouffard