The social and political hurricane has made its way onto the pages of Ponytale #4. The current neo-liberal regime seems to want to turn back the clock in terms of equality and the celebration of individual choice. This new edition of Ponytale is our most political issue yet, because now more then ever it is OUR turn in this man’s world!
In this edition with two special, unique covers featuring Cate Underwood and Laura Ponte, you will find collaborations from some of the best female artists around: Coco Gordon Moore, Susan Cianciolo, Rita Ackerman, Pic Zo, Jennifer Steinkamp, Kasper-Florio, Lily Cole, Letha Wilson, Zaida Rodríguez, Alicia Padrón, Sunny Lee, Rozana Mirtea, Juliette Cassidy, and Silvia Prada.
We know you’ll enjoy it! Take care and comb your hair.