In collaboration with Kaneshii Vinyl Press

Who are you and your current job :
I am Giovanni Verini Supplizi, I’m 43 years old. I opened my record store 17 years ago ‘cause since I was a child I had a dream to work in a record shop. I have a passion for music, vinyl, cd’s… is all about the music. I opened a website first, and 6/8 months later, the shop.
In which city are you located?
In Bari, in South of Italy. Also, I dream to move my shop to a city like London, Madrid or Milan. Maybe, someday…

What musical styles do you specialize in?
I started specializing in rock/heavy metal, but I always sold all kind of music. During the years I have expanded to other kinds of music, I try to serve as many people I can. Also the metal genre has suffered a large decline in sales. In general, I sell more rock, new wave, dark and punk.
Can you give us a small tour of the music scene in your town?
Unfortunately, there are few events compared to cities like Milan, Rome, etc.. except for exceptional events. There are many bands that play their gigs in the pubs or other venues. There are more tribute bands, maybe too many. So, the bands that play unrealeased music have a difficult to play.

What’s it like working in a record shop?
It’s one of the best job in the world. You live in the music world. Also it’s really difficult now because the sells have fallen. The vinyl is having a new second life, hope it will continue…
The customers of a record shop are crazy, really strange people, sometimes. I wrote a book about my first 13/14 years in the shop, “Bassa fedeltà” (Low fidelity) for SGEdizioni ironizing the most famous “High fidelity” of Nick Hornby (that I loved it), with many stories, anecdotes about my funny customers.
What mind-blowing album are you listing right now?
Morrissey “Low in high school”, ‘cause Moz it’s always a quality index, and Bunbury “Expectativas”, a Spanish singer and the new album of David Byrne.
What does it take for an indie record shop to survive?
Passion for the job. Without it, it’s impossible to have a record shop, today. 7/8 years ago I added a second-hand vinyl section and then the same thing with the CDs. So I can sell rare and collector items. It has become an important feature for a record shop, ‘cause for the new release, online is very competitive.

Tips for musicians launching an album?
Humility. Listened to more prepared people in the sector, especially when you are very young. And passion, always a lot of passion, and work hard. Really hard.
5 local musician to check out!
Mmm.. for the metal scene, there’s Natron, they are the metal band most famous outside the region. They have a worldwide success in the extreme metal scene.
The Lysergics, psychedelic rock band, born in Bari but the leader lives in London now.
They are a fun punk rock band called “Delude by Lesbians”, the group members live in Milan at the moment, but they were born in Bari.
The best tribute band is called Baby Screams, a tribute to the Cure.
Maybe the most famous band now are Radiodervish, they play world music. |