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Become a Writing Guru with These 6 Special Tips from the Expert

Become a Writing Guru with These 6 Special Tips from the Expert

Published by Programme B

You have probably come across a piece of writing and wished you could communicate with such ease and clarity like the author. I have been there; and still, do so when I find a well-articulated piece. Sometimes you may wonder at the prowess of another writer and marvel at the confidence that shows in the written text.

However, many of us still battle with the fear of publishing or sending whatever we write. Some may even boast of innate writing abilities; while you always seek custom essay writing services Canada. It doesn’t mean that you can never be good at it; and neither should you believe it.

Just like any other skill; you can get better if you:

How to Improve your Writing Skills

1. Practice

The more you write; the easier it becomes to gauge your progress. Start small with a journal perhaps where you detail your experiences each day. You can also launch a personal blog. It doesn’t have to be for the public eye. Most times, we change how we write if we know it’s for some other people other than us.

Another thing you can do is consider joining a writing group. Many people find that getting help from fellow writers, whether that’s from critiquing others’ work, or just obtaining feedback on your own writing, helps you to get better.

2. Have a Clear Intention

It guides you on what to include or eliminate in the process. Even for Concordia mature student; you need to think about your intention for writing a particular piece. Is to motivate, enlighten or convince?

Whatever your intention, purpose to, commit to it.

3. Read some More

It is the reverse process of writing. Don’t just read for the sake of enjoyment. Pay attention to structure, stylistic techniques, tone, and more, used by the author.

Diversify your reading materials to include literature that doesn’t interest you as much. Find out the different conventions that apply in various fields.

For Customization Purposes

4. Discover your Voice

Well, it’s good to identify the techniques that work for your favorite authors and adopt them. However, it is better to find your voice and use it. It takes much courage to do so, I know.

However, it makes you stand out from the rest unless you want to be mediocre.


Filling your content with complicated jargon can be tempting. It could be in the name of demonstrating authority in a particular subject. Though, this may be to our disadvantage.

The ideal words to use depends on the target audience and type of paper. A custom essay may allow for the use of specific terminologies. In the case of a general blog; you may want to strip it down, a little bit.

6. Get Constructive Feedback

A writing group will keep you motivated and inspired to write. It is helpful for students too. You can get together with those whom you have similar research topics or share an advisor.

Use the group to get feedback on your conceptual, structural and editing efforts. Be kind to yourself. Have a Dictionary and Thesaurus at hand, when you can’t come up with the right phrase or word.

Additional Helpful Writing Tips

Purpose to, expand your vocabulary. It’s exciting to convey your exact intended meaning and not something close. Don’t forget that brevity is key.

We all want to get to the point as soon as possible. Write the way you speak. Let it be like a conversation between you and someone else.

Most importantly, write regularly. You’ve got to believe in yourself for others to do so, in return.
