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Does your diet affect your dreams?

Does your diet affect your dreams?

Published by Programme B

The suggestion that different types of food may have an influence on the nature of your dreams is almost timeless, even though direct scientific evidence detailing this is not available. Scientists have held an interest in the correlation between healthy eating and good sleep, with early proponents such as Hippocrates placing patients on strict dietary regiments to relieve them of perpetually stressful nights.

Many other scientists across different fields have identified some type of relationship between food and dreams. Even though there is no physiological evidence to support the claim that different types of food may cause certain dreams, there is overwhelming proof that food can affect the quality of your sleep. Science has conclusively determined that the food you eat will affect certain body processes which may impact your dreams, as well as affect the way you sleep.

Will your choice of food affect your sleep?

Food has a similar effect on the brain as drugs do. Both are composed of chemical compounds that will trigger some type of reaction in your body which will depend on factors such as genetics, personal and cultural history, gender and other demographic points of difference. Your diet could affect your sleep and dreams.

There are two types of drams in general. In REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, you will experience vivid and memorable dreams. It usually lasts about one and a half hours and marks the completion of your sleep cycle. Your choice of food will have minimal impact on this type of dream. In non-REM movement, your dreams will depend on your body’s physiological state. This restful sleep features nondescript dreams which ideally reflect the factors in your sleep environment and body’s state. It will usually facilitate the restoration of hormonal balance as well as other aspects of healing for your body.

Alcoholic beverages, high calorie food and meals with a high fat content have been linked with an increased likelihood of disturbed sleep. These food items can affect your dream schedule and cause intense dreams later in the night. They may also increase the likelihood of dehydration and constant urination, which will affect the quality of your sleep.

What foods are ideal for sleep?


This delicious fruit is rich in serotonin and vitamin C antioxidants. It is also very tasty, which makes it ideal before bedtime. Various research studies that have looked into the viability of the kiwi fruit in improving the quality of your sleep suggest that eating just two fruits could help you sleep better and longer at night. Kiwis have more calories and offer a higher vitamin C injection into your body than oranges.

Tart cherries

Melatonin is an enzyme that stimulates your body’s tendency to sleep. Tart cherries offer a great natural source of this enzyme, alongside antioxidants such as tryptophan. You will be guaranteed a full night’s rest if you drink a glass of tart cherry juice at least 45 minutes before going to bed. Recently, studies on tart cherry juice suggest that it could even be used to alleviate the effects of chronic insomnia.


Like other whole grains, oatmeal is a great sleep supplement. It helps your body produce insulin, which will cause a spike in blood sugar levels. This may not be possible with refined wheat in products such as pasta and white bread. High sugar levels will cause drowsiness, which may increase your ability to fall asleep. You will also benefit from the injection of melatonin that this food has to offer.


Fatty fish offers a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. These will help in the synthesis of serotonin, which may be used by your body to control the production of melatonin. Salmon is a great fatty fish option with one of the highest vitamin D concentrations available. It will boost the synthesis of serotonin, which will ensure that your body produces enough melatonin for an uninterrupted night’s rest.

Cottage cheese

At about 25 grams in a cup, cottage cheese is one of the best sources of lean protein. This type of protein is rich in tryptophan, which is an amino acid that boosts sleepiness. This amino acid, the culprit in your turkey dinner, will cause a boost in the production of serotonin which will affect the production of melatonin in your body as well.

Chamomile tea

This herbal blend is packed with the antioxidant apigenin which binds your brain’s receptors and causes some drowsiness. Apigenin-rich foods are commonly prescribed to people with insomnia who are seeking alternative treatment options because these foods will naturally fight the condition. Different clinical studies on chamomile tea have suggested that one or two cups in a day could help you sleep better and last longer without any disruption.


Bananas contain tryptophan, which will shape your body’s interest in sleep. Bananas also contain magnesium and potassium, which will both help your body relax. It can be a great snack to wind down with after a long day to help you get to bed without any hassle. You can enjoy a four-way benefit to your night by combining bananas and nuts in your whole wheat baking while chasing it down with chamomile tea.


Almonds are a modern superfood. They contain a range of nutrients, essential amino acids, and oils, as well as high fiber content. Scientists recommend almonds for everyone since the rich profile of almonds promotes a healthy lifestyle. They have also been identified as having sleep improving properties. Almonds have magnesium and melatonin, which will ensure great sleeping patterns for you. They have also been used effectively in the management of insomnia.

Final word

Your choice of food will have an impact on your night. If you eat heavy meals with high-calorie content or take up alcoholic beverages, you will be less likely to enjoy full rest. You may also consider other changes to your lifestyle such as exercising regularly and changing your sleep environment. Going for a comfortable pillow, puffy mattress and warm sheets could work just as well for you as some of the healthy alternatives provided.
