Your current job:
In which city:
Iowa City
Where does your interest in Kombucha come from?
Stomach health and the rise of probiotics and naturally fermented foods.
What prompted you to start your company?
Lack of locally brewed kombucha.

What makes your product unique?
We do a full-strength version, which ferments to around 1% ABV, so it is a 21 and up product.
Design: how was it designed?
Nature. It was designed by a friend.

What are the main challenges in your company?
Scaling production.
What tools are essential for your work(app, software)?
Google apps (spreadsheets, mail, etc)

A word to define what type of worker you are:
What does your office space look like?
The brewery 😉

Do you have a way to organize your days to optimize your work?
Lists, lists, lists
What tips would you give to improve productivity?
Have a source of caffeine in your office.
What is the best advice you have been given?
Keep going.

Can you give us a tour of your local Kombucha scene?
Only 2 kombucha breweries in Iowa, we’re the only kombucha taproom.
How do you control the growth of your company?
Production is our bottleneck.

What is your strategy for making your beer known? (tastings, festival, etc.) Why this strategy?
Farmers markets, beer tastings, brewers guild events. We are part of the local craft beer scene, and our fans overlap theirs. We’re on tap at a lot of breweries as an alternative to beer.
What are your end-of-day and early-day routine?
Check out my calendar / to do list for the day.
What advice would you give someone who wants to start a Kombucha company?
Start at the farmers market.

Apart from your computer and your phone, what gadget cannot you do without?
Upcoming products or projects?
High ABV kombucha.
wildculturekombucha.com | facebook.com/wildculturekombucha