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Emily López, graphic designer & illustrator

Emily López, graphic designer & illustrator

Published by Leonardo Calcagno

Who are you: 

I’m Emily López, I’m a Fashion and Marketing Designer, but nowadays I’m a Graphic Designer and Illustrator for passion and living.

Your current job: 

I’m working with Vice, and freelance art direction and illustration with different projects.

In which city are you located?: 

I’m from Atlanta, Georgia, but now I’m living in Bogotá, Colombia.

A word to define what kind of worker you are: 

Discipline and passionate.

What tools are essential to your life (app, software, etc..) 

My first tool is a notebook and a pen because if I’m not writing down I forgot what I want and I need to do. Then, I use Mac, is my essential. I use Photoshop, Illustrator, iPad with procreate and Affinity.

What does your office space look like? 

It has post-it notes on the wall to remember the priorities, highlighter pens, colors, and in front pictures and stickers or postcards of different friends.

What kind of music do you listen to when you are working?

I heard almost everything. I really love music, so randomly it could sound indie, rock, electronic, reggaeton, salsa, Spotify really feels me Jaja. Because depends on my mood, the perfect songs sound. 

Do you have a way to organize your day to maximize your work? 

Yes. I write all the things I need to do in the day, like a checklist, and with the highlighter I checked the tasks done. And for the week, I use post-it notes, because I’m a little distracted, so for me, these tools are the best to organize my day.

What tips would you give to improve productivity? 

I think the best is to prioritize. Then finishes one project at a time, and put goals and deadlines, even if it’s a job for a brand o place or a personal project.

You’re better than your colleagues to: 

Use color, learning new techniques and make lame jokes.

What is the best advice anyone has given you? 

Find what you like, and then practice and learn, be discipline. After that, these will become the things you love, and what an awesome thing to do and live with what you love. What is your best tip for saving time? For me, Sketching. Is the best way to plan what you want to do. 

What is your routine start and end of the day? 

First of all, coffee, I check social network, then do the to-do list of the day, work, and then if it’s not too late, Netflix. 

Aside from your computer and your phone, what gadget can you not you go without? 

My earphones, my notebook, and my iPad Pro ||

Bogotá city guide x Emily López 

Café MASA is a really good place to work, or just have a nice talk and drink coffee and eat awesome desserts. 

LA FONDA MEXICANA is the best traditional Mexican food.

Grocery Paloquemao has everything. Good fruits, good vegetables, and beautiful flowers.
