Who are you and what is your background?
The Skirt Chronicles was founded by three women, Sarah de Mavaleix, Sofia Nebiolo and Haydée Touitou.
In what city?
We are all currently living in Paris.
The Skirt Chronicles…
The Skirt Chronicles was an ambition to create a magazine that valorized text as much as it did photography. We are a literary fashion magazine which honors inclusivity and diversity. The publication began with a mutual love for print and continues to navigate as such.

Our mission is to give a platform to writers that are inclusive and celebratory of creative writing. We look to give a voice to diverse generations and cultures through our editorial line.
Print: Why choose print? What kind of paper you use and why? Typography?
We are print lovers! Each one of us has our own special affiliation with print and it could not have been any other way for us. We use Munken Pure Paper in 120g for its touch. It is a paper agreeable both for reading an article and admiring photographs. As far as typography is concerned, we use Stempel Garamond.

How’s the public response?
We are so lucky to have had such positive and encouraging support from our readers. From Tokyo to Tbisili, Copenhagen to Cardiff and Florence to Frankfurt, the support is endless.
Can you give us a tour of your local media scene?
Paris has a broad and varied media scene, however, we feel that our publication sits on a more international stage. In publishing in English, our goal was to reach as many readers as possible.
Business: Print mags get a lot of love, but is not always translated to sales or advertising. How are sales? Advertising-wise, is it a normal approach of selling an ad page or more a brand ad approach?
We are happy to have support through our own webshop as well as all of the wonderful stores around the world that distribute our publication. We are also very happy to have collaborated with friends and brands alike in a more traditional advertising sense. We honor this model as we feel that is important for alignment between media’s and brand yet we have an individual approach that we feel is reflective of our publication.

What is your online strategy?
Our mission was to create a printed media. We enjoy interacting with readers and supporters alike through Instagram and continue to explore defining our online presence in order to build a strong bridge between our printed publication and our online strategy.
10. About design, what does your brand represent/reflect?
Our brand reflects a respect for a sense of heritage while also celebrating modernity.
What inspires you and motivates you to go to work every day?
We are inspired and motived by each other, our contributors and our readers. We receive passionate messages and emails from people around the world who enjoy our publication and this reinforces our continued work and motivation.

What were your biggest challenges as an entrepreneur?
We are self-funded publication, therefore we are always looking to engage in a business-minded way yet staying true to our ethos and original idea.
What advice would you give someone who wants to start a magazine?
It is an exciting exploration of voice and vision and we encourage anyone with this desire to work towards their dreams!
Upcoming projects
Our next volume is launching in September and we look forward to sharing!
theskirtchronicles.com || instagram.com/theskirtchronicles || theskirtchronicles.com/shop