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Thyroid, Menopause and Adrenals Hormones

Thyroid, Menopause and Adrenals Hormones

Published by Programme B

Hormones are work likes messengers. These are chemically connected to the blood, through which they can contact to the tissues and organs to perform the actions. In our human body, there are several types of hormones; those are responsible for performing the different types of actions and functions in the body. Such as growth and development of the body, metabolism of the food items, health, reproductive growth and sexual actions, mood and cognitive actions and maintenance of the body temperature. 

The hormones are connected from the different glands in the human body, some major glands are given below.

  • Thyroid
  • Adrenal
  • Menopause


Ten times of the men, the women are suffering from the thyroid hormones disease. The thyroid is just like the butterfly-shaped gland which is found in the neck. The thyroid glands produce the two types of hormones. The first one is T3 (Tri Iodothyronine) and T4 (Thyroxine). The t3 hormone is converted by the organs and tissues and then it will help in activating the T4. In healthy bodies, the production of the T3 and T4 hormones is regular because of TSH (Thyroid Simulating Hormone). From the pituitary gland which is situated in the brain. The thyroid hormones are regulating the metabolism of the cells in the body. If you are in the disease of thyroid gland you can consult Iorna Vanderhaeghe, they are 30 years professionals experts.


Menopause hormone is the permanent cessation of periods for 12 months duration due to ignoring an ovarian action. Most of the women in the USA are the victims of this gland. According to Survey, 85% of the women in the USA are experiencing the vasomotor signs during the menopausal transitions, 20 to 50 percent of the women in the USA are continuing to experience the vasomotor symptoms for several years after catching in menopause, and 10 to 40 percent of menopausal victim women are experiencing the signs regarding vaginal dryness and atrophy. Some more problems like Increasing weight, memory loss problems, mood-changing frequently, sleeping disturbance and Low libido. So let’s take a look at the prevention of these diseases, in this matter the Goodness Me! Can you help and guide you?


The Adrenal glands are small in size and structure; these are attached to the top level of both kidneys. As the human has two kidneys inside it, that’s why it has the two adrenal glands. Those are releasing the hormones to the blood. These chemical hormones may affect several parts of the body. The single adrenal is consisting of two parts: the outer part is called the adrenal cortex and the inner mart called the adrenal medulla. The adrenal glands are releasing several types of hormones in the form of chemicals that perform like a messenger. The Adrenal hormones travel in the blood and act on the different tissues of the body to make the properly function-able. All adrenal hormones are made from cholesterol. 

