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Dentist’s recommendations on how to heal a cavity without fillings

Dentist’s recommendations on how to heal a cavity without fillings

Published by Programme B

Dental cavities are one of the most common dental problems all around the world. It’s one of the main reasons why people have crooked teeth. These cavities are small holes on the hard surface of teeth that builds up to large holes if they aren’t taken care of. Usually, these cavities are caused by the bacteria that come in deserts, candy, or other sweeteners. That bacteria creates an acid that ends up as plaque on teeth. This plaque destroys the enamel of teeth which in a result creates tiny cavities. The enamel layer on the tooth actually protects the teeth and when it removes, the path is open inside the tooth where many cavities take place. These cavities can ruin the whole set of teeth if not taken seriously according to dentists. Apart from the general issue of sugar, there are other factors that also result in dental cavities in all people of all ages. One of them is the lack of Vitamin D. Here, in this article, we are going to discuss a few dentist’s recommended methods that can heal a tooth cavity without fillings on its own.

Although the ways mentioned above can be effective in preventing cavities, it is still recommended that you visit a dentist if you already have caries. If you don’t have a dentist yet, searching for a phrase like “dentist near me Germantown” should pull up a list of options that you can reach out to.

Have a look:

  • Take the natural Vitamin D

There is no doubt that Vitamin D is crucial for bones and teeth. It is basically Vitamin D that allows your body to take calcium and phosphate from the food you eat or drink. It is needed for all ages and especially for kids. So, eat yogurt, milk and let your kids play in the sun have an abundance of vitamin D while they are in a growing stage. This will allow them to have calcium that will make strong bones and healthy teeth. If you can’t take the direct sun because of some reason, try having Vitamin D supplements from your dentist.

  • Use Fluoride toothpaste

Fluoride is a very important thing that protects your teeth. It actually prevents your teeth from having cavities in the first place. If you have got cavities and you wish to heal them without fillings, use fluoride toothpaste. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth says this experienced family dentist in Ballwin after every meal or at least before and after sleep.

  • Eat Sugar-free gums after meals

Chewing gum is a quite popular edible that is consumed by people of all ages. They are available everywhere easily. But some are sugar-free, and some aren’t. If you want to heal the tooth cavity just eat sugar-free chewing gum after every meal. Some dentists recommend that it will help you remineralize the enamel on all of your teeth. This hasn’t been proven scientifically since gum can have plenty of other ingredients, but we all know that sticky gum can pretty much clean up anything on your teeth whether it is a sweetener or other particles of food. Just make sure to use sugar-free chewing gum.

  • Oil Pulling technique

Oil pulling is an ancient technique of healing tooth cavities by drinking a small amount of coconut or sesame oil and swishing it around the infected area. Leave it for 20 minutes and then brush.

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels
