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How to make a successful and money-making Instagram account?

How to make a successful and money-making Instagram account?

Published by Programme B

Lots of people nowadays come online but don’t know how to organize their profile the right way: although there are thousands of tutorials and thousands of different ways to make your content look appealing and interesting, people still miss the main points that they have to check if they’re willing to make their profile widely popular. In this article we’re going to talk about them in detail: further, you’ll be able to find 5 main principles that you have to follow to become known and loved on IG plus we’re going to discuss whether or not you should buy Instagram followers for promotion. Let’s begin!

  1. Be short. Start from your username and end with your publications — don’t write the texts that are too big, don’t make your bio look bulky, and always think of something original and mesmerizing while you’re creating your content. Don’t fall for the volume, on social media your best friend is short and authentic, that’s why people remember certain bloggers that they tend to follow permanently. If you need to pack lots of information into one post, use pictures, and videos, don’t just put tons of text into your post and wait for people to read it — it’s proven that information is better absorbed in its media version.
  2. Be creative. Don’t just mock up what other people do; for sure, following trends is essential nowadays, but you really have to stay on top of all that if you want to attract people’s attention. Think of something new now and then, add new headings to your profile, collab with new people to add something fresh and interesting to your page on IG. Be original — that’s what everybody loves right now, and be unapologetically you. Even if you think that this new thing might not become your audience’s favorite one, try it out; you never know until you actually try things out. 
  3. Be in touch with your audience. Don’t forget that Insta is all about the quick talks with the audience, you can use stories, comments section, and even DMs for that. if you don’t interact with the people who follow you, you can forget about getting new subs — people will think of your profile as a dead place where nothing actually happens, they won’t see the real person behind the screen. If you want to make a great and lively impression, always remember to check your DMs, people’s reactions to your stories, and answer the comments. Try to never leave anyone unattended. 
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re running out of time and you had to create several posts for your profile by now (and you didn’t), you can always ask for help from a pro copywriter and a graphic designer who will quickly and efficiently create a content plan that will include everything you need. Plus you can always buy yourself followers, likes, comments, views of videos, and stories in any amount and forget about all the popularity matters that you might have had. 
  5. Buy only real followers and likes. That’s where we’re going to discuss why buying fake followers can totally ruin your reputation and your account. It’s easy: people nowadays see scams very quickly and they can definitely tell natural success apart from the fake one. If you want to help yourself with bought followers and likes there’s nothing bad about it, but you really have to be careful and thoughtful with what you’re doing. If you have a small account, make sure to buy subs gradually, adding some step by step, making sure that you’re not purchasing several thousand in one go (while you have 3 or 5 posts in your account, that’s just ridiculous). If you’re advanced then it’s all in your hands: you can go with several thousand in one go for sure and that won’t harm your account at all. 

But you really have to make sure that you’re buying real subs. Why? 

It’s obvious: if people see thousands and thousands of fakes subscribed to your profile, what conclusions are they going to make about you and your content? You’ve guessed it: you’re going to get unfollows from real people who were following you and the profile itself will hardly get any natural subscriptions from that moment on. To avoid that you need to find a place that sells real followers (companies actually can cooperate with real people and reward them for becoming somebody’s followers, that’s not new) and buy carefully. Check the reviews and comments from previous buyers beforehand, choose the most suitable package and the most convenient paying method. And it’s actually quite nice to talk to the managers to clear any small questions that you might have out — decent companies usually have valid and active chats on their platforms where they have managers ready to ask all the questions and all the problems asap (eg 

Don’t rush it, be thoughtful and you’ll definitely reach all of your aims — but remember that all good things take some time and effort.
