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Hiring A DUI Attorney

Hiring A DUI Attorney

Published by Programme B

DUI- Driving Under the Influence of any kind of drug is a grave offense in the court of law. This offense has the ability to impact your career and your life.  Due to violating the driving rules, the driving privileges extended by the state to the person can be taken away. Thus, if caught, it can lead you to lose your driving license forever. If you have been charged for DUI, then do not worry; your one mistake should not be the end of the world for you. Hence, if you are confused and do not know whether or not to hire a DUI Attorney Harrisburg PA, then keep on reading this article.

Most attorneys that focus on defending ‘drink and drive’ cases advertise their promise of saving the convicted from the charges of DUI. However, it may not be completely possible and may not guarantee you dismissal of charges. Some may be able to get your sentence reduced or plead for a fine, but this was before the DUI charge was made mandatory by all 50 states.  

Here is how you will know when to hire an attorney:

  1. Getting yourself acquitted: If you were accused of a DUI charge even when you were genuinely innocent or failed to perform a field sobriety test or a breath test, you need to hire an attorney right away. It is an obvious circumstance where you would need someone to defend you. In this situation, defending yourself without legal help is not a good idea. You may also need to gather all the evidence at hand, such as a witness; it can be the last person you talked to before getting accused or any sorts of pictures of the day that prove your innocence. PS: If you refuse to take a breath test, your license is immediately confiscated and revoked.
  2. Processing: Since attorneys are familiar with each case’s court processing and requirements, it will help you if you have an already experienced person by your side throughout this challenging time. An attorney can help you prepare yourself before you have to appear at the court by acquainting you with what will be expected of you and handling all the legal documents requirements. If they cannot get your sentence reduced, they will at least guide you with ways to regain your driving privileges as soon as possible such as by completing alcohol education or treatment programs required by the state. 

Just as much helpful it is to hire an attorney, it may empty up your pockets too. This is why it is advised not to hire an attorney if your charges are not that high or if it is your first time with a drunk driving conviction where you might not need someone to defend you. However, you may definitely need to hire a DUI Attorney Harrisburg PA if you are making a plea to the judge to reduce your charges or defend yourself. Otherwise, hiring an attorney is just another financial issue you are burdening yourself with.

Photo by Spring Toan from Pexels
