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The Vegan Diet: health benefits

The Vegan Diet: health benefits

Published by Programme B

From non-dairy frozen desserts to nuts and delicious salads, the vegan diet is getting more popular by the day. 

Access to health information has made people more knowledgeable about their health and how their food choices impact their health. 

Done right, the vegan diet can have numerous health benefits. Caution has to be taken to ensure that the lack of animal products does not create nutritional deficiencies. 

Here is more on this. 

What Is a Vegan Diet?

Veganism is a lifestyle that tries to eliminate animal cruelty and animal exploitation of any form, whether for clothes, food, or other purposes. 

The vegan diet excludes the consumption of foods made from animals or animal products like eggs and dairy. 

Aside from benefits to their health and general well-being, people are increasingly turning vegan for ethical and environmental concerns. 

Types of Vegan Diets

Whole food vegan diet: this diet is derived from whole plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. 

Raw food vegan diet: in this diet, vegans consume raw vegan veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and plants. These are cooked at a temperature of below 118 ᵒF. 

80/10/10: this is a raw food diet that limits fat-rich plant foods like avocados and nuts and relies on vegetables and raw fruits instead. 

The starch solution: this is somewhat similar to 80/10/10 but focuses more on cooked starches such as rice, potatoes, and corn instead of fruit. 

Raw till 4: this is inspired by the 80/10/10. However, raw foods are consumed till 4 pm. Dieters o this plan can then opt to have a cooked plant-based meal or dinner.

How Do I Get The Right Nutrients As a Vegan?

Without a good understanding of the vegan diet, and how to go vegan properly, you risk depriving your body of essential nutrients. 

Certain groups should also approach the vegan lifestyle a bit more cautiously. An example of these is pregnant or lactating women. During this time, women need to ensure they get enough minerals and vitamins to support a healthy pregnancy and feed a baby with growing nutritional needs. 

If you opt to raise your child vegan, work with your pediatrician and nutritionist to ensure they get the nourishment required at different stages.

Vegetarian vs. Vegan

While these are closely related, they are vastly different. Vegetarians do not eat meat, but they eat eggs and dairy products. A vegan diet excludes all animal products. 

Because it’s more restrictive, the need to ensure you get all nutrients is heightened. 

The Bottom Line

A vegan diet does not have to be difficult or boring. Once you know the foods you are allowed to consume, a little internet research will reveal numerous tasty recipes you can try out.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
