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What are sex dolls and how they can improve your life?

What are sex dolls and how they can improve your life?

Published by Programme B

Sex dolls are more and more realistic nowadays and less expensive every year. The story of a man in a search of sexual pleasure started when humanity was born. The need to satisfy urges has always been great, gladly so, otherwise, we would probably be extinct. Joy Love Dolls and other sex dolls have entered the market to fulfill all the needs and wants that today, societies are not meeting, or not meeting with reasonable effort.

Lifelike sex doll made from silicone dominated the genre in their first years and the dolls may have cost even up to 10 000 dollars, but after several years of development in manufacturing, design and mass production, and material choices, today you may have one made out of TPE (thermo-plastic elastomer) even with less than 1000 USD and with customization or larger size or with more realistic design around 2000 dollars, delivered straight to your door in a matter of days. Nevertheless, this has brought it to the average citizens’ reach on what comes to budget. With moderate savings, you really can have one if you skip a few months of clubbing and unnecessary spending.

The most interesting thing is that the reason for obtaining a celebrity sex doll is not only because guys (mostly) just want to have sex, but the expectations of what a man must be before accessing to have sex are in many cases so high, that vast majority of individuals are simply left out of the game of sex. A frustrated individual who have options to make love with their 5 fingers, improve themselves to a state of greater access in partners, or simply having to go to a “massager” so to say, one valid option is to make the investment to one’s sex life by having a long-lasting artificial partner. This kind of choice is closest to the real thing without having to pay per case every time you feel needy, but still getting the most realistic experience as often as you like without any risk of rejection on the real marketplace of sex and occasional partners.

It is in human nature, if not being lazy precisely, but in search for the least effortful way of attaining things or experiences and satisfaction to fulfill the necessary daily needs. Making yourself to be the wanted top alpha male in the town, or nowadays in an extended marketplace among millions through social media, is a huge workload in every measurable metric in one’s life. 

Being in good condition, to dress well, be socially acceptable, both in social media and in real life, having friends to go out with, having money to go dates and dinners, or another materialistic thing to show success or even to create the impression of such, being funny and reasonably interesting to others may not be easily achieved. In any case, it is way harder and takes time and sustained effort to get on top of things in all those areas of life compared to purchasing a doll from the internet and having your need met the way you want. If a man is constantly rejected, is it natural to look for other options and maybe even opt out of the whole sexual marketplace game and jump to virtual reality to spend time by gaming and do the sex with a doll you may choose as you like. 

Moreover, doing all the things that bring you any alpha level status that you would have several partners to choose from, the average quality of drunken sex or one-night stands are not that high, and far from the dream partners they typically would want. And closing the deal with your dream girl is even harder (if that is a goal even), as there presumably is a lot of competition for the more preferred partners.

Gladly there is an easier way of meeting the sexual needs and without all the extra effort and numerous rejections and putting yourself out there to have just another disappointment. This sex doll option leaves time to pursue all other things meaningful in life with your friends or in virtual reality if you will.

Photo by Madeline Bassinder from Pexels
