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In Case You Are Curious … Things To Consider For A First Time Threesome

In Case You Are Curious … Things To Consider For A First Time Threesome

Published by Programme B

Threesomes are undoubtedly one of the most popular fantasies in the dating world. Men are more into threesomes than women, but recently there has been an increase in the number of women embracing threesomes. To put this in figures, only ten percent of women are reported to have engaged in a threesome, compared to eighteen percent of men.

There are many people who have always wanted to try a threesome but have no idea how to go about it. If you would like to try a threesome, the following are some of the things you should consider before you try.

Consider Why You Want to Have a Threesome

This is the first thing you need to think of before committing to a threesome. Why do you want to do it? What is influencing your desire for a threesome? Is the desire borne out of boredom? Or, have you, instead, been watching content posted by horny Asian models and realising that it is something you have always wanted to try? Perhaps you feel your sex life isn’t satisfying and you’d like to spice things up with your partner. If you want to spice things up, a threesome is a great way to try new fantasies and sex techniques. Whatever it is, you should be certain of the reason you’re doing this. Some people want a threesome simply because others are doing it or just because you want to see how it feels like.

Be Careful When Choosing a Partner

Many people make the mistake of choosing the wrong partner for their threesome encounter. Most of the time, choosing someone you know for a threesome encounter is usually a big mistake. This is because inviting someone you already have an emotional bond with increases the probability of something getting attached and another person’s feelings getting hurt.

Also, when inviting strangers, you should be careful as it can prove to be tricky. There are many dating sites and apps where you can meet people who are willing to have threesomes without any risks of emotional attachment that a known person presents.

Make Safety A Priority

If you are going to have a threesome, safety should be at the top of your list regardless of who the parties involved are. It is usually advisable to have a threesome with people you trust even if it’s a person you’re just meeting. Be deliberate in practicing safe sex and explore different methods of protection you can you.

In addition, discuss birth control with your partner and the invited party on the main day. Ensure you use protection when having a bisexual threesome. Check that everyone has a clean state of health before you proceed. Limit drugs and alcohol, and ensure no one goes out of boundaries during your lovemaking experience.


Create Sexual Boundaries

Before the set date, make sure that everyone is aware of what to do and not to do. If there are things you are not willing to try, make it clear before you start. How do you want things to go? Don’t be afraid to established your do’s and don’ts.  Is the invited party sleeping over? Will you be having dinner or breakfast together? 

Another important thing is to decide if this is going to be a regular activity with them or it is just a one-time adventure. If it’s going to be a regular adventure, then it’s important to stay true to your commitment to them. However, a regular threesome with the same person may lead to one person developing feelings for the other and this usually leads to jealousy, hurt, and heartbreaks.


Communicate Your Fears

It’s not advisable to bottle your feelings or fears when having a threesome. Communication is an important element in a threesome adventure. All parties must be able to clearly state their fears and concerns and not try to hide them. Be clear about what you want and how you want it.  If at any time during your discussions you feel that you are not that enthusiastic about it or do not want to proceed, then don’t hesitate to make it known. A threesome is not just about satisfying your partner alone, everyone should be on board with the adventure.



Threesomes are a great way to spice up your sex life and eliminate boredom. As stated earlier, many people have different reasons for engaging in threesomes; some for the fun, thrill, and adventure, and some just to try new things. Threesomes are more enjoyable when all involved are open and willing. Everyone needs to be on the same page if you are to enjoy the threesome and have a good time together.

Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova from Pexels
