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3 Products That Will Spruce Up Your Beverages

3 Products That Will Spruce Up Your Beverages

Published by Programme B

It’s essential to stay hydrated, especially during the summer, so it’s a good idea to find some refreshing beverages you enjoy. While water is always a staple, many people find themselves craving a little more of a flavor when they want a drink. Dehydration, especially in extremely hot weather, can have serious side effects and can progress to more serious conditions like heat stroke that can even lead to death. Even if you aren’t addressing your body’s hydration needs, sometimes your beverages just need a little bit of enhancement. Everything from your coffee to your cocktails can be improved with a few affordable products that you can easily purchase for your home. Keep reading to learn more about three great products that will spruce up your beverages.

1. Water Flavoring Drops



Everyone knows that you’re supposed to drink plenty of water, but it can be easier to swallow when you can add a little bit of your favorite flavor. When you buy flavoring drops, you should look for products that contain electrolytes or beneficial vitamins and nutrients, so you’re getting even more value out of addressing your hydration needs.

It’s not a bad idea to consider a water delivery service for home if you’re someone who has trouble remembering to drink enough water every day or if you spend a lot of time at home. There’s nothing better than being able to pour yourself a nice glass of fresh spring water from your water cooler when you come back from a morning run, and water delivery makes it as easy as can be.

2. CBD Coffee



Most people in the United States drink coffee, but many people don’t realize how many different and innovative types of coffee there are. One new product that consumers love is CBD coffee. If you aren’t familiar with CBD, it’s short for cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is a compound that’s found in the cannabis plant. However, it doesn’t contain THC, which is the chemical in marijuana that produces a psychoactive high. CBD won’t get you intoxicated, but coffee lovers rave about what they say are its relaxing and beneficial effects.


One of the best things about CBD brew is that you don’t even need to go to a coffee shop to get it. You can use pods to make yourself the best CBD coffee ever. Make sure you understand the potency and dosage before you use any CBD product. As with anything you plan to add to your routine, talk to your doctor about CBD and what recommendations they might have. Your doctor can also help you learn about how CBD can affect you and how it may impact any health conditions you may have.

3. Ice Ball Ice Tray



If you’re a cocktail drinker, you may also appreciate the ice ball ice tray as a beverage enhancer. Larger ice cubes that melt evenly and over a longer period of time have the effect of not watering down your drink anywhere near as much as a traditional ice cube, in addition to providing a more thorough chilling effect. Seasoned drinkers use them frequently with spirits like whiskey, vodka, and tequila that are meant to be sipped rather than consumed quickly.

Beverage enhancers can help add flavor or improve the experience of drinking coffee, whiskey, fruit juice, and just about any other liquid you regularly consume. There are plenty of ways to improve your drinking experience, whether that means adding in substances like CBD or finding a more efficient way to chill your whiskey. Flavoring drops or electrolyte drops are also a great idea for anyone who has trouble getting enough water on a daily basis. Adding in electrolytes can also help you feel better, especially in extremely hot weather. The most important thing is that you drink enough to stay healthy and hydrated, no matter what beverage you prefer.
