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Published by Programme B

Why is my AC not cooling off? This could be your problem right now. Do you notice that though your air-conditioning unit is on, the room is still humid? Is your air cooling system producing warm instead of cool air? It could be disturbing, especially during the hot summer months. It could be so uncomfortable and inconvenient for you and your family.

The thing with AC units is, you cannot repair them that easily. The only thing you can do is to be wary of abnormalities and ask for professional help. If you want to know Why is my Ac not cooling, read this article.

Below are the causes why your AC unit is down and needs repair.

First, it probably is because the filth in the air filters like debris, dust, or mildew must be blocking the AC from emitting cool air. If left unchecked or unclean, this could lead to more complications. It might affect the good functioning of the evaporator coil and the thermostat. An unclean air filter affects more parts of the AC unit and thus, preventing the AC from emitting cool air. The intervention for this dilemma is to hire an AC specialist to clean the unit. But in the worst case, the filtering systems need replacement.

Second, the thermostat is set inappropriately. When you feel that the AC unit is not making your room cold as expected, you should inspect the unit. Normally, it produces cold air first then warm air secondarily. The initial intervention is to set the thermostat to auto-operation mode. Auto operation mode is more energy-efficient, enhances the circulations and filtration of air, and provides better humidity control than turning it ON.

Third, the external is unclean. Unclean external units affect the perfect functionality of air-cooling systems. To better understand the AC situation, I will give a quick overview of the function of the AC. The air-conditioning has an evaporator or an inside unit that works by taking in humidity from the atmosphere and turning it over to the external AC unit. The external unit called condenser is responsible for condensing heat into cold air. When there is congestion in the condenser, the unit will not function properly. Dirt and dust obstruct the transfer of heat. In troubleshooting the improperly functioning AC, you must clean any filth around the condenser. Failure to regularly clean the AC and to repair any minor issues immediately will lead to the AC having more problems. You will end up paying more compared to having regular maintenance.

Fourth, the AC motors are defective. A defective fan motor makes the external unit incapable of dispelling heat. It will then affect the cooling capacity of your air-cooling system. Remember that when we are talking about the motor, you cannot fix it on your own, not unless you are a skilled repairman. Find a professional to repair your AC for you.

The fifth is the insufficient refrigerant level. What is a refrigerant? The refrigerant is responsible for absorbing heat from the air around and then expelling cold air. When the level of the refrigerant is low, the AC unit will fail to emit cold air. The solution to this dilemma is to have regular maintenance. When you hear abnormal noises coming from the AC or there is an accumulation of ice on the external unit, call an AC specialist at once.

Lastly, the compressor might be broken or defective. The compressor is responsible for controlling the movement of the refrigerant from the evaporator to the condenser. Damage to the compressor could lead to the defect of the condenser, so the unit will not emit cold air to cool the room. When the compressor is defective, it would be best to replace it. Find an AC specialist to do the job.

The key to preventing any AC malfunction is to have regular service by a trusted AC specialist. The idea is to troubleshoot any minor problems every three months so they will not lead to more issues eventually. It is better to spend some money on maintenance than to spend a lot on AC repair or replacement and higher electricity bills. Regular service makes the air-conditioning unit more efficient. Moreover, a filthy air-cooling system is dangerous to health when dust and dirt enter the respiratory system. Do not attempt to do the maintenance on your own because there are specialists to ensure a perfectly running AC unit. Do not wait until the air-conditioning unit no longer emits cold air or no longer cools the room before you ask for professional help. Just like any other appliance, AC units also need proper care so they will last a long time. Of course, you would want to enjoy the cool breeze for a longer period especially when you have spent much in buying it.

