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Reasons Why You Should Keep Your Testosterone Levels in Check

Reasons Why You Should Keep Your Testosterone Levels in Check

Published by Allen Brown

During aging, testosterone levels naturally decrease in men. Among the problems caused by this are decreased muscle mass, reduced bone density, and, most alarmingly for many men, sexual dysfunction. Consequently, it is vital for both men and women (yes, you read that right) to maintain the correct balance of the hormone coursing through their bodies.

You Need It To Prevent Sexual Dysfunction

It is well documented (both scientifically and anecdotally) that low testosterone levels can cause sexual dysfunction in men. Men with low testosterone levels may experience low libido and even difficulty reaching orgasm. But how exactly can low testosterone cause Erectile dysfunction (ED)? As you might imagine, there is plenty of data to show the impact of testosterone on men’s ability to get and maintain an erection. Most of this research shows that the hormone acts as a vasodilator which helps to get blood to where it needs to be. While insufficient levels aren’t the only factor in ED, it plays a significant role.

It Is Vital To Maintain Muscle Mass And Bone Density

Testosterone can increase bone density by promoting the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the bones, thereby increasing their strength, thickness, and size. Testosterone also regulates how much calcium is deposited into bones. This means that testosterone can help prevent osteoporosis, a condition where bones become weak and brittle because they do not receive enough calcium or other nutrients to stay strong. Finally, it is well known that testosterone is required to build muscle. It is also common for men’s muscle mass to decrease as their testosterone levels decline with age.

It Is Responsible For Maintaining Your Energy Levels

The hormone plays a significant role in maintaining energy levels. When testosterone levels rise in the body, it will increase the metabolic rate, resulting in an increase in energy levels for that person. This can be seen through an increased appetite for food or more physical activity. Moreover, the hormone is responsible for facilitating high-quality sleep, which can profoundly impact not only energy levels but also mental and emotional health.

How Can You Naturally Boost Your Levels?

Some people feel more energized in the morning because testosterone levels are highest at this point in the day. The amount of this specific hormone can be affected by a number of factors, including diet, exercise, sleep patterns, age (with testosterone decreasing with age), and stress levels. While there are plenty of artificial ways to increase your levels, the best route is often the natural one.

Improve Your Diet

There are two primary ways in which a healthy diet can improve your testosterone levels:

  1. Maintains a healthy weight by promoting weight loss
  2. It helps to reduce spikes 

If you want to elevate your testosterone levels, stay away from processed, simple carbohydrates like chips and other junk food. These simple carbohydrates cause blood sugar spikes and have been shown to lower free testosterone levels. The most effective testosterone-boosting foods include:

  • Oysters (they’re an aphrodisiac for a reason!)
  • Organic red meat
  • Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, etc.)
  • Dark, leafy greens

Engage In Strength Training

Strength training is one of the best ways to increase testosterone levels. It is a type of strength training that is done with free weights, weight machines, or elastic resistance bands and tubes. In essence, almost any form of anaerobic training will positively affect your levels as well as other spillover effects like improved cardiovascular health. However, you should pay attention to aerobic exercises as these can also contribute enormously to your testosterone levels. In fact, some studies have shown that intense aerobic activities like sprinting can also boost your levels when used alongside other workout routines. 

Get Enough Sleep (More Important Than You Imagine)

Research has shown that cutting back on sleep dramatically lowers testosterone levels in healthy young men. The Journal of the American Medical Association study showed that even one week of short rest was enough to lower testosterone levels. Moreover, poor-quality sleep can lead to more serious health complications over time. The combination of fatigue and lower testosterone levels can also result in irritability and decreased mental performance.

Reduce Stress Levels

There are a number of theories about why stress reduces testosterone levels. One is that the stress hormone cortisol blocks testosterone production in the testes. Another view is that stress lowers testosterone levels by reducing the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which is an important signal to produce testosterone. Nevertheless, if you are able to control your stress, your life will have more testosterone and increased vigor as a result.

Testosterone is a natural hormone that regulates many body functions, and an imbalance can cause a raft of physical and mental problems. By following the tips in this post, you should be able to increase your levels naturally and improve your quality of life.
