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9 Things to Know in a Post-Roe America

9 Things to Know in a Post-Roe America

Published by Programme B

The right for women to have an abortion ended in June 2022 after lasting almost 50 years. Amidst a Post-Roe era, doctors, women, and law enforcement officials face difficult decisions regarding the laws and regulations regarding abortions.

Terminating a pregnancy is viewed as a right by some and an abomination to others who only see it as ending a life. Let’s explore some things to know about abortion in a Post-Roe America in 2023. 

1. Protect Your Privacy

Google searches can and will be used against those who terminate their pregnancy in states that have bans against it. Digital privacy is almost obsolete in those states. Law enforcement can track data with court orders when abortions are suspected and use that information for prosecution. 

States whose residents seek abortion treatment in other states might take legal action against them. Use self-defense tactics concerning surveillance, such as a virtual private network (VPN), private browsers, encrypted messages and anonymous email addresses for privacy protection.

2. Blood Type Plays a Role

Rh-negative blood type is a concern among pregnant women. Although around 15% of people have this blood type, many aren’t aware until they become pregnant. Abortions for Rh-negative patients need a Rhogam shot if their partner doesn’t have the same blood type. 

The Rhogam shot protects the fetus during pregnancy by coating the fetus’s cells, so the pregnant woman’s body doesn’t identify them. In abortion cases, Rhogam shots are given to protect future pregnancies. 

3. Health Is a Factor

States with abortion bans allow abortions to be conducted if it’s a medical emergency or risks the mother’s life. However, the laws about the exceptions are often unclear and leave doctors fearing loss of license, persecution or fines. Doctors must make evidence-based decisions in the patient’s best interest with their medical judgment without laws interfering with their medical opinion. 

This can prove challenging for doctors who feel that they cannot help patients until they are dying rather than in danger of something happening to them. With repercussions looming, doctors are more likely to send patients to states that allow abortions rather than take the risk of facing repercussions from helping patients in their offices. 

4. Abortion Pills

Democratic-controlled states like New York and California are much more accessible for abortion needs. Retail pharmacies offer abortion pills like CVS and Walgreens since the FDA approved them. 

Misoprostol and mifepristone are prescribed for abortions up to ten weeks. Medication abortions are effective and safe up to 12 weeks of gestation, so WHO supports it, and it’s legal in states that support abortion.  

5. Morning-After Pills

The Plan-B One Step is a common morning-after pill used to prevent pregnancy. The FDA has officially recognized this emergency contraceptive as a preventative measure, not an abortion pill, making it a legal form of birth control. 

Since it acts on ovulation that occurs before implantation, it is not considered a form of abortion but rather a way to prevent becoming pregnant. Morning-after pills can be purchased over the counter at many retail pharmacies without age restrictions. 

6. Late-Period Pill

The late-period pill consists of three doses of misoprostol, a drug that prevents stomach ulcers and often treats miscarriages. Misoprostol can be taken up to 14 days after a missed period and helps empty the uterus. 

These pills can cause women to have their period without a verified pregnancy. They offer reassurance for those who have a late period, don’t wish to be pregnant, and don’t want to confirm or deny pregnancy before termination. 

7. You Can Still Get Pregnant

Getting an abortion doesn’t mean that there will be future complications with pregnancy. Over 99% of women who have had abortions don’t have any issues getting pregnant in the future and having healthy births. 

Terminating a pregnancy can be a multifaceted and difficult decision. Ensure to practice self-care and reach out for support to nurture mental and physical health throughout this often challenging process. 

8. Wait Times for Abortions

Many clinics experience long wait lists of patients that travel for out-of-state care. However, states that support abortion have clinics, like those in Colorado, that can see patients within a week of making an appointment. The earlier the appointment is made, the better for doctors and patients. 

9. Where Abortions Are Available 

Many states have completely banned abortion, while others that still allow it are being threatened. Several states have blocks in place while legal battles commence to challenge laws regarding pregnancy termination. 

Nebraska, Montana, Iowa and Florida are legal for now but have bans or potential bans that contradict legality. States that support abortion and are likely to protect it make up 49% of the U.S. Some states have laws protecting access to abortions, like Alaska. States where legal abortions are possibly protected and accessible are as follows: 

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Kansas
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire

What To Know Post-Roe

Post-Roe America is scary for many young women who aren’t ready to be mothers. Protection has never been more crucial for sexually active individuals. Stay informed and know what options are available as state laws adapt and hope for change in emergencies.  

Photo by Nida –
