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Why Giving Flowers Is So Important

Why Giving Flowers Is So Important

Published by Programme B

Is there anyone out there who doesn’t feel special when they receive a bouquet of flowers? Doesn’t it seem like the air around you gets a little fresher, and the colors of your surroundings become a bit brighter? Well, that’s the magic of flowers. But have you ever stopped to wonder why giving flowers is so important? This age-old tradition might seem simple on the surface, but it holds profound meaning and significance. Let’s uncover this fragrant mystery together!

The Historical Significance of Giving Flowers

Flowers have held a crucial role in human culture for millennia, and their use as tokens of sentiment is deeply entrenched in our history. The Ancient civilizations of Egypt and Rome, for example, often used flowers as offerings to their gods and goddesses. They held a firm belief that the beauty and scent of flowers were pleasing to the deities and would bring them good fortune and favor.

In the Victorian era, a period known for its strict social rules and codes of conduct, the exchange of flowers evolved into a discreet way of communicating emotions. This was known as floriography, or the ‘Language of Flowers.’ Every flower held a distinct meaning, and giving specific flowers could convey complex emotions without the need for spoken words.

The Psychology Behind Giving Flowers

“Fast forward to today, and modern psychology has offered fascinating insights into the emotional impact of giving flowers. A study from Rutgers University revealed that the presence of flowers triggers happy emotions and heightens feelings of life satisfaction. Moreover, giving flowers, like the vibrant Red Deer flowers, can significantly strengthen personal connections. 

Moreover, giving flowers can significantly strengthen personal connections. Be it a first date, a birthday celebration, or even a simple ‘just because’ moment, a bouquet of flowers can serve as a powerful non-verbal communicator. It speaks volumes about your intentions, your feelings, and your appreciation for the recipient.

The Importance of Flower Symbolism

The power of flowers extends to their symbolic meanings. Over the years, different flowers have come to represent various emotions and messages. Roses, for example, are strongly associated with love. The deep red hue of a rose symbolizes passionate love, while pink roses signify admiration and gratitude.

Ever made a mistake and struggled to find the right words to apologize? Flowers can step in to smooth things over. A simple yet heartfelt bouquet can express your remorse and your desire to mend fences, often more eloquently than words can.

Flowers also play a significant role during times of grief and loss. They offer a gentle and thoughtful way to express your sympathy, sharing in the sadness of the bereaved and providing them with a measure of comfort and support.

The Role of Flowers in Special Occasions

Flowers hold center stage at many of life’s most significant events. Weddings, for example, are practically unthinkable without flowers. They add beauty and vibrancy to the ceremony, from the decorative arrangements that adorn the venue to the bridal bouquet itself.

Birthdays are another occasion where flowers are a popular gift. Giving flowers to someone on their birthday is a simple but effective way to make them feel cherished and special.

In contrast, flowers also play an important role in somber occasions, like funerals. Here, they serve as a sign of respect for the deceased and offer consolation to the living, reminding us of the ephemeral nature of life.

The Commercial Importance of Flowers

From a commercial perspective, the importance of flowers cannot be overstated. The floristry business is a booming industry, employing thousands of individuals worldwide and generating substantial revenue. It thrives on our enduring affection for flowers and the sentiments we attach to them.

Furthermore, in sectors such as hospitality, flowers are an essential element in setting the atmosphere. From hotels to restaurants, beautiful floral arrangements are used to create a warm, inviting ambiance that enhances the overall customer experience.


In conclusion, the act of giving flowers is deeply ingrained in our history, culture, and psychology. It is a simple yet powerful gesture that can communicate a myriad of emotions, from love and happiness to sorrow and sympathy. Flowers speak a universal language that is understood and appreciated across cultures and societies. So, the next time you give a flower, remember, you’re not just giving a beautiful object, but a piece of your heart, a token of your feelings, and a timeless symbol of human connection.

Photo by Luke Miller x
