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What Can You Try To Encourage Peolpe To Complete A Purchase?

What Can You Try To Encourage Peolpe To Complete A Purchase?

Published by Allen Brown

How often when you are looking at data do you see that people are about to complete a transaction on your business website, only to click off at the last second? This happens quite regularly to businesses, and it’s a pain in the behind because you need to try and figure out why this is happening. Of course, we don’t know for sure why people are clicking off, but we’ve got some ideas about how you can encourage people to complete their purchase. 

Make It Easy

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If you want people to purchase from you, you need to make it easy. We know that as a business, you are trying to prevent fraud for your customers, you are trying to prevent purchases that won’t clear with the banks and so much more, but you’ve still got to try and make it as easy as possible. Online users are purchasing online because it is supposed to be easy and convenient, so anything less than this and they’re not going to bother. They don’t want to jump through a million hoops, if they wanted to do that they’d have gone out and purchased in person.

Accept Different Payment Methods

One of the most common reasons that people click off and don’t complete a transaction is because the site did not cater to the payment method that they wanted to use. This is such a common problem, and your business needs to be able to accept as many payment methods as possible. We know that it can be tough and it’s not always convenient for your business, but you will be losing sales if you only have one or two payment options.

You need to be able to accept things like PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and all the other things like this. As well as this, you can accept credit card payments with this provider or that one, it’s just a case of finding which one is best for you. Credit and debit cards are the bare minimum that you need to be able to accept, but everything else will be beneficial to you.

Don’t Ask For A Million Verifications

Source Pexels – CC0 License

The final thing that we’re going to say is that people don’t want to verify their identity with you five million times. One verification is going to be enough, and people even find this inconvenient. However, this does need to be done so that you can say that you did everything possible to protect from any kind of fraudulent activities from taking place. One verification is going to be more than enough though, so just make sure that you are not overdoing it.

You need to think about this from a customer point of view as well as from a business point of view. We know that you’re the business, but your customers don’t want things to be massively complicated just because they want to make a purchase. Keep that in mind when you’re setting up your payment process.
