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Office tale of Nicole Fu, founder of Jolietta

Office tale of Nicole Fu, founder of Jolietta

Published by Leonardo Calcagno

»Office Tales archives

Who are you : 
I am the founder of e-boutique Jolietta – we sell stylish and affordable clothing and accessories for women. I also do marketing for Brandicted – a shopping discovery site for fans of brands.

Your current job :
Founder of Jolietta, Marketing Manager at Brandicted

In which city are you located in ?

One word to define what kind of worker you are :

What tools are essential to your life (app, software, etc..)?
Calendar, Notes – if I don’t write things down I’d forget. The Weather app! I need to know how hot or cold it is, if it’s raining etc in order to decide what to wear that day. I loove and am obsessed with Twitter, Foursquare, and Vine! Last but not least, Google Maps, without which I’d always get lost.

What does your office space look like?
The Brandicted office is a large, open concept space with big windows and a partial view of the Notre-Dame Basilica. There is a black and white theme with funky drawings on the walls by artist Tim Barnard.

What kind of music do you listen to when you are working ?
I don’t usually listen to music when I work. But on the off chance that I do, I’d put a random (though typically energetic, chirpy) playlist from Songza on.

Do you have a way to organize your day to maximize your work ?
I make a list (on paper – my colleagues make fun of me for that) of what I should accomplish that day and check them off as I go.

What tips would you give to improve productivity ?
Try not to work from home – go to a cafe, a co-working space, a library, anywhere. Make lists. Of what you should do on a given day, by a certain date…

You’re better than your colleagues at:
PR, networking, not bringing lunch, talking nonsense.

What is the best advice anyone has given you ?
I think that “anyone” would have to be Nike – Just Do It.

What is your best tip for saving time ?
Don’t sleep (just kidding). Try not to multi-task – you end up getting less done most of the time. Focus your attention on one thing at a time.

What is your routine start and end of the day ?
I get up, not before snoozing the alarm several times, head to the Brandicted office where it’s always so much fun (read: heated ‘arguments’ with my colleagues), go to a tech and/or startup event after work, crash, repeat.

Aside from your computer and your phone, what gadget can you not live without? Those two pretty much cover it actually! I guess that’s the point of a smartphone – you don’t need anything else.
