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Office tale of Matthias Deckx, multidisciplinary designer

Office tale of Matthias Deckx, multidisciplinary designer

Published by Jean-Michael Seminaro

Who are you : 

Matthias Deckx. I’m a multidisciplinary designer from Antwerp.

Your current job

I split my time: I do some work for clients at my home office and a couple of days in the week I work as a digital designer at Base Design in Brussels. I’m always eager to try new things though, and like to take on big opportunities and challenges. So tomorrow might bring something completely different. Only time will tell.

In which city are you located? 

Usually I work at home in Antwerp, but at the moment I’m in Barcelona, doing some work while attending the OFFF conference. A great perk of working independently is the freedom. I sometimes travel to another city like Amsterdam or Berlin just to do some work. I like the feeling of being a foreigner and working in a place you have yet to explore. It could be considered wanderlust.

A word to define what kind of worker you are : 


What tools are essential to your life (app, software, etc..) :

Everything should be portable and accessible at all times. So a lightweight laptop over a personal computer and lot’s of cloud storage over local disk space.

What does your office space look like?

It’s very bright. I live in a turn of the century apartment with large windows and an all-white interior. The desk should always be tidy and the environment may never remind one too much of work, as I share the workspace with my dining room.

What kind of music do you listen when you are working ?

That is constantly changing but right now I’m in a Japanese 80’s synth-pop mood. 

Do you have a way to organize your day to maximize your work ? 

My days aren’t very organised to be honest. I purposely never schedule. Sometimes that can be chaotic, but it keeps your mind free. I have a task list and that’s enough to know what I have to do.

What tips would you give to improve productivity ? 

Wake up early and take your time for breakfast. A good start of the day will get you a long way.

You’re better than your colleagues to : 

I have noticed that I don’t get as easily distracted as other people.

What is the best advice anyone has given you ? 

Take a bath.

What is your best tip for saving time ? 

Don’t schedule. Just get the work done.

What is your routine start and end of the day ? 

I take my time to make good coffee each morning. I like to end the day reading a book. Getting off screen before going to bed gives me perspective.

Aside from your computer and your phone, what gadget can you not you go without? 

Does a pair of headphones count? That would be something I can’t go without.
