Source: Happybodyformula.com
Be it a meeting at work or stress of upcoming exams, your brain should be functioning optimally. In order to do your best work, you must first provide your body with the tools it needs to improve concentration, the ability to focus and retain information towards your task at hand.
Did you know? By focusing on your diet, you will significantly contribute to boosting your brain’s ability to function at its highest level. While there is no one special brain food that is the best choice, you must focus on consuming all the nutrients for cognitive health. You need to focus on the intake of essential vitamins for memory. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of the 10 types of food that can help you boost your brain!
Blueberries are just perfect to boost your short-term memory. Not just blueberries but any dark purple and red fruits help for that matter. The protective content of anthocyanins helps in retaining the memory of the brain.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds are great at boosting your mood and enhancing your memory. Situations like lack of sleep are likely to lead to a bad mood, inability to focus, and an overall sense of imbalance. If you are struggling hard to play catch-up with a school project or an essay, you can consider opting for essay help from Edubirdie, which will help you avoid those late-night cram-sessions that can lead to brain shrinkage. Pumpkin seeds are rich in Zinc, which promotes relaxation. Their mineral content helps your brain to think fast and efficiently. Vitamin B is a stress-busting compound in pumpkin seeds. Magnesium and tryptophan are also present, and they contribute to enhancing mood.
Blackcurrants help to reduce stress and anxiety. They are rich in Vitamin C which improves your mental agility and helps your body to evade age-based brain degeneration. While we cannot say for sure, they may be helpful for people with Alzheimer and Dementia. Interestingly, broccoli, oranges, and other citrus fruits may also help!
Eggs contribute by delaying brain shrinkage. Eggs have necessary vitamin B like B12, B6, and folic acid that contribute to reducing the levels of homocysteine in your blood. Basically, increased homocysteine in the blood can lead to cognitive impairment, risk of stroke and even Alzheimer’s disease. It is vital to consume eggs, chicken, fish and green leafy vegetables in your daily diet.
Nuts are a perfect source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is also present in seeds, eggs, olives, brown rice, whole grains, asparagus, and green leafy vegetables. Consuming vitamin E prevents cognitive decline and enhances your brain’s long and short-term memory.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate (containing zero sugar) is rich in flavanols that produce anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which contribute to improving the blood flow in the heart and the brain. The cocoa is also rich in Zinc, magnesium, copper, iron and phosphorous that again contributes well to the development of the brain.
Broccoli has a great reputation as a brain-boosting food because it has an abundance of vitamin K that helps in enhancing brain power and cognitive functions. Broccoli is also known to have compounds of glucosinolates that slow down the deterioration of neurotransmitter and acetylcholine. The two chemical compounds are essential to our central nervous system that supports our sharp-wit, memory, and quick-thinking actions. Acetylcholine at lower levels can lead to Alzheimer’s.

Oily fish
Oily fish promotes healthy brain function in the body. Our body cannot generate essential fatty acids (EFAs) and it needs to be obtained from your diet. Oily fish and other plant sources such as linseed (flaxseed), walnuts, pumpkin seeds, soya beans, and their oils are really good for the brain and memory. Oily fish is by far the best choice to make for your brain. They have the most active form of EPA and DHA fats. Salmon, herring, trout, pilchards, sardines, mackerel, and kippers are some of the fish you can consume for a good memory boost and stress reduction.
Wholegrains enhance your brain’s ability to concentrate and focus. Our brain needs energy in the form of glucose levels present in your blood. Whole grains help your body release this glucose in the blood, which keeps you mentally active throughout the day.
Tomatoes contribute to the prevention of radical damage. They have a powerful antioxidant called lycopene that protects our cells from any radical damage like the development of Alzheimer and dementia. Tomatoes cooked in olive oil is the best way to consume them because they optimize your absorption levels and efficacy.
Final words
While our diet forms a vital part of your brain and memory development, do not forget to give your body proper exercise and sleep. All of these factors together make a perfect combination of a healthy brain. The above-mentioned diet and a combination of good sleep and exercise. All three can slow down the aging process and give your memory an additional boost.
Yoga and meditation also help in enhancing brain power. Keep a track of your diet, do not overeat or skip meals, keep yourself hydrated, reduce alcohol intake, and enjoy a good sleep to ensure your brain is functioning at its peak level!
Author Bio
Alvin Franklin is an enthusiastic researcher and content writer who loves to write content for health and pen it down for readers. Alvin writes essays at Essay Help and loves to help students with whatever it takes to achieve their dreams. He is a great inspiration to the students who are still confused about their career goals.